countryside and city life essay ielts

The topic of countryside could come up in the writing exam as well, of course. The chief advantages of the countryside relate to health. 3. After ten years of living in one, I can't imagine ever living in a small town again. IELTS Essay 2019 (42) IELTS General Task 1- Letters (96) Formal Letters (72) Informal Letters (23) IELTS Task 2 - Essay (350) Advantages and Disadvantages (48) Discussion - Discuss both view (90) Double Question (48) IELTS Essay 2015 (5) IELTS Essay 2018 (102) IELTS Essay 2021 (15) Opinion - Agree or Disagree (179) Problem and Solution . The lifestyle in a city and in a countryside are very different because there are infrastructures in cities but there are not in countryside, like transports, high buildings that make the landscape very different. 1 City Life IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer. 1. For instance, there are lower levels of pollution, less vehicle, and emission. On contrary of these facts people living in cities are so obsessed with their works that they could be unaware of events . These are also known as two sided essays. Also, there are very few hospitals in the countryside due to healthcare being extremely limited, backward facilities. Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it. You can go to cinemas with friends, or you can do sports any time and anywhere. Another important aspect in this context would be the sea change in the medical field that happened in last few years, many of these advanced facilities are readily available only in cities . The density of population in a village is much less than a city and village people are naturally grow up their personal relationship among all people and live like a real community and take care of each other. Environment. The difference in the type of living includes the environment, economic opportunities, and the quality of social life. City life is faster than country life. 1831. 1.6 Mixed Culture. in countryside can have no health issues which cause by sound. This is a well written essay. You have to wait for elevators for very long, and those elevators can be crowded, stopping on every single floor. In this essay, I will analyze the pros and cons in order to come to a conclusion. Moreover, a high number of automobiles, leads to lot more noise and air pollution in the cities than countryside. Having said that, right now it's impossible because there simply aren't any jobs for me in the countryside. The living cost in a countryside is much lesser than that of a city. It is undeniable that air quality in big cities is so bad that long-term exposure to it may cause respiratory diseases and other health problems. Crowded and more fast-paced the city exudes . The can then migrate to the cities whenever they are ready to fly with the strongest wings, which a countryside life create for them. In the countryside, it's an agricultural lifestyle, where you'll find the peasants. (ni li th ca city: healthcare + nursery / kindergarten/ private schools) . In the country, you can get a feeling of comfort and coziness. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. This essay will discuss about the pros and cons of living in the city compared to living in the countryside. First, with the clean air and lack of traffic or industry, countryside areas are much healthier places than the average city. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. Living under the same country but of different regions, rural and urban, besides sharing several things in common, often vary greatly in cost of living. As a result, the countryside is full of elderly people, and even many of them prefer to move to the city, where there's more for them to do. In countryside relations are warmer. Many argue that living in the countryside is by far the best option, while others claim that living in the city has more pros than cons. Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life - Essay 2. First, the social scene is quite different between the two places since . In big cities there are many people who live there, because job opportunities are abundant and the opportunity of better education. City life used to have more benefits in past, since there were more amenity and facilities available there. Votes . 1.5 Question 5:- What . ANSWER 1: The speaker gave a negative answer and talked about his residence - telling the examiner that he didn't have any experience of living in the countryside as he was a city boy. For instance , scientists illustrate that living in rural areas reduces 70 percentages of noise and pollutants, consequently , folks who are living in remote places frequently have strong resistance than people who live in metropolitans. I think there are some clear advantages to living in the countryside. One reason for this view is that if people live in the countryside, they can gain more health benefits. Living in the countryside can benefit people in a wide range of ways. The chief advantages of the countryside relate to health. Many think that children ought to be raised in the city, while others feel a rural setting contributes to a better childhood. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS. Some people believe it is better to raise children in a city, while others believe the countryside is better. Furthermore, the life in a countryside is peaceful and calm whereas a city life is fast-paced and busy. This rural to urban migration essay addresses the task well as the body paragraphs give sufficient details to explain the reasons for moving and the pros and cons of this. 4. They try to help and support you as long as they are able to. They could develop family bonding mutual trust, support, and protection. countryside and that in urban areas have differentiation obviously. City vs Country Essay Introduction. The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. People are more charitable and loving. I find that life in the rural areas are less stressful and people are more relaxed, friend and family-oriented. Then, he talked about his life in the city which was difficult in terms of the cost of living. To sum up, growing up in the countryside can be very positive for someone's childhood, but the city will usually offer better opportunities for their talents' development. People do not have access to the latest products in market. It is thought by some that its is better to live in a city while others believe that life is better in the countryside. 2. The living expenses in the country are 6 to 10% lower than the cities. In the countryside, it's an agricultural lifestyle, where you'll find the peasants. 1.4 Question 4:- Do you often eat out (go to restaurants)? Is geography an essay based subject life countryside and City essay life a short essay on my house in french essay on protection of environment self reliance essay by emerson the essay about horse, persuasive essay practice, essay on the measure of intelligence is the ability to change in 500 words in wikipedia, research paper . Discussion Essay Tips. Over the last twenty years, there has been much controversy as to whether it is better to livE in the countryside or in the city. Do you often visit the countryside? What is a better place for children to live? People in the countryside live for a longer period due to a healthier environment. City-dwelling lends itself to a more sedentary lifestyle and the threat of air pollution is ever-growing. The better option would be a city with an excellent quality of life where children could play in parks and gardens. The lifestyle in a city and in a countryside are very different because there are infrastructures in cities but there are not in countryside, like transports, high buildings that make the landscape very different. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. I never thought that I would like living in a big city, but I was proved wrong. 1.5 The Opportunity of Employment. In fact, people live in urban areas because they want to have good jobs to get more money, and one of the best ways to achieve that is education. The rules of simple life they inherit from their parents remain with them for lives. IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice . The Height. I see it occasionally appear in task 2, where the question would most likely be an advantage/disadvantage question. Below is a list of IELTS discussion essay sample questions for IELTS writing task 2. In conclusion , having a life 1.7 Natural Environment. I think living in the countryside is far better than living in the city. Band 6.5 IELTS essay sample Most people think that urban life has many advantages when compared to rural life. On the one hand, city may offer . Essay 1. However, sometimes there are problems in getting even the basic requirements addressed. That would drive me, personally, insane. County life and City life offer two different lifestyles which significantly affect how people live. Life in the countryside is simple and peaceful. 1.4 Amusement and Recreation. Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.105077890171 0.236089414692 45% => OK On the one hand, cities are the top of choices to live due to various its benefits. Those who live in cities are exposed to better living conditions, This life is the kind of life that every citizen always aims at, people living in cities have better access to food and other necessities this is because every urban city of India has a local governing body that takes care of its people unlike those people living the villages. 1 500+ Words Essay on City Life Vs Village Life. Mental health and well being essay, themes in the crucible essay. The second major difference between living in the city or the countryside is the life style. identify both sides; . They greet you whenever they run you up against. Sample ielts essay answers sat essay list of techniques, essay about to be a doctor. Question 2. The countryside is a better place to live because of the healthy lifestyle. Apart from it, the environment shows the notable difference between them such as pollution caused due to vehicles on the road and factories. IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: . Answer: This essay agrees with this view. The band scores range from 0 to 9. In contrast, individuals living in the country are much more likely to walk or ride bikes as part of their daily routine. 1.3 Medical Facility. Nowadays, a majority of young people Personal narrative essay grade 7, building a great india essay in english 200 words essay on death penalty in png, describe your childhood friend essay, essay on influence of film, quotations about essay a picnic party bombastic words for essay upsr. Firstly, it discusses the educational benefits enjoyed by the students living in the city. City life is an extremely different environment to the rural living countryside, and those moving from a big city can often find themselves a little culture-shocked to say the least, and vice versa. I grew up in a small town and then moved to a big city, therefore I have experienced the good and bad sides of both. In this post, we would like to put an emphasis on IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic City & Countryside . The first outstanding characteristic about the countryside is that it is beautiful and peaceful. Here are my sample answers to the questions that I shared last week. Most well-known universities and high quality educational institutions concentrated on the metropolitan areas are obviously the main thing that attracts . 1. Everyone in the city is busy; they are busy at work, busy going to school, busy finding a job, busy earning money and busy going to parties. 1.1 Comparison: City life Vs Village life. What advantages does living in the countryside have, compared to living in a city? City characteristics; The city is large in comparison with the countryside, it includes a large number of interconnected buildings. This 'two sides and an opinion' essay is about if an urban or rural environment is better for children. Why is it better to live in the city than in the country? There are numerous of reasons why living in countryside is the better than the city. The last but not lest difference between living in the city or the countryside is people's happiness feeling and their life satisfaction. People often have varying opinions while choosing between the country and city life. 2. 1.3 Question 3:- Have you ever been to the seaside? (Cu ny cc bn t tr li nha, nu b th c ni kiu nc i: I have no strong feelings one way or the other. Living in the countryside is better for one's health condition, thanks to significantly lower levels of air pollution. (countryside = village) 1.2 Question 2:- Is it good for young people to grow up in the city? Secondly, it explains the existence of comfortable transportation system for the people of the city. I fully agree with this view. However, in the countryside, it is very dull because there are no cinemas, sports activities for people. 1.8 Pollution and Adulteration. City or the countryside? Band 8 IELTS essay sample According to some people, it is more beneficial to live in urban areas than in rural areas. This may also be why country people are less materialistic because they only need few things in life to be happy. Comments. Dave IELTS Essay General Training: Children & the Countryside Some people believe that children should grow up in the city while others believe the countryside is a better choice. Life in the city is fast and exhilarating, but it can be straining while country life is relaxed, slow, and in most cases a stress reliever. Personal . Widening areas of work in the city. Imagine working in a 50-floor building, having to stop with the elevator on every floor. In contrast, individuals living in the country are much more likely to walk or ride bikes as part of their daily routine. It seems there is an upside to resisting change also because it allows country people to avoid many social issues commonly faced by city people. The key difference between countryside and city is that the countryside refers to the geographical area that is located outside of towns and cities whereas the city refers to a large human settlement which is bigger than a town or village. Describe an enjoyable/unforgettable experience you had in the countryside You should say : what the activity was when you did it who you did with it why it was enjoyable Sample Answer 1 Spending leisure time in the countryside can be a relaxing and memorable experience for anybody who likes to live close to Mother Nature. 1.1 Question 1:- Do you live in the city or the countryside? Small towns and big cities both have some . The scenery, the streets, the people and the paced are totally different compare to the city. Cities have high ratio of population as compared to countryside, so there is high raise in usage of land for accommodating residentials as well as lifestyle in the cities is very fast paced and stressful. City-dwelling lends itself to a more sedentary lifestyle and the threat of air pollution is ever-growing. Another reason is that they have more intimate relationships like neighbors, relatives. The main difference between city life and country life is the lifestyle. Writing. Weak social ties in the city compared to the countryside. Yes, I usually head out on a day trip to lots of pleasant countryside regions on the weekend to recharge my energy after a busy week. Both the city and the countryside have the same education and medical care. Firstly, compare to the problem of stress, people living in the countryside is relatively less than people living in the city. If you compare the populations between cities . The younger generations prefer to live in the midst of city life and luxury rather than to be in a countryside. . One of the most notable differences between city life and country life is the environment. 1.2 The Facility of Education. Many parents are concerned about whether it is better to bring up their . Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic: Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal city while others think of a vertical . However , in city Its houses are modern, and the city is filled with services and public facilities. This has been confirmed by the scientific study. Mostly everybody knows each other. IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic : City & Countryside . First, city life and countryside life are different from population. Answer 1: For sure, I'd love to live in the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Most people born in the countryside more often than not find the city attractive and appealing. 1. Another benefit would be the sense of . It means the essay stretches to 326 words - you should reduce the ideas in the body paragraphs to perhaps two in each if you are a weaker writer and you are unable . Living in a tall community building or working in a high business building can be tedious. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences). Do you disagree that living in a city offers greater benefits compared to life in the countryside? The countryside is a batter place to live because of less population and pollution. Compare both points of view and give your own opinion. Essay on city lifeParagraphs on city lifeWrite short essay on city lifeWrite note on city lifeHandwriting Essay on city lifeAdvantages and disadvantages of c. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. The existence of comfortable transportation system for the people of the city was! 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countryside and city life essay ielts