cmake link shared library example

Compiling in release mode now uses -O2, not -O3, by default (ARROW-17436). They way it's being done now is that in a given directory, a shared library is created as: add_library (mylibDirA SHARED <local source files> ) then it's added to the mylibA target: target_link_libraries ( mylibA PRIVATE mylibDirA $<TARGET_OBJECTS:mylibDirA> ) Why you ask? I am using the CMake generator I can build and link fine with this dependency, as well as run the application as long as I am on the same machine. If I substitute add_library () with add_executable () I get the same error. Here are some of the things you need to take care of: what artifacts should the library produce at install step where install artifacts should be placed In this example the files would be installed in the ~/mylib/install directory: Create and install the shared library's pkg-config file with CMake At this point we built the shared library and installed it system-wide, with the help of CMake. In essence, use find_library() to find the location of the actual library, favouring static libraries over shared ones by listing them first in the names to look for. I have provided the full code for this example on Github. add_library(libraryName [STATIC|SHARED|MODULE] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] source1 source2 ..) Firstly, the first parameter to add_library is the name of the library. An example being /usr/local for UNIX based platforms. cmake-shared-lib-tutorial Simple project to demonstrate how to create shared (dynamic) library using C++ & CMake Why Sometimes you can forget something, if it wasn't used long time (or never on practice). In order to keep the CMake file as small as possible, a few possible optimizations are omitted. There is an intermediate step (the one involving ldconfig) which takes care of creating some symlinks needed to link against our foo library.. References. See the target_link_libraries () command for meaning of arguments. So now we can specify that we want shared libs from SomeLib at the command line with -DSomeLib_SHARED_LIBS=YES or we can enforce it in the CMakeLists.txt by simply setting it. c++ cmake shared-libraries Share cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8 FATAL_ERROR) project(cmake_and_cuda LANGUAGES CXX CUDA) include(CTest) add_library(particles STATIC randomize.cpp randomize.h Update: now using modern cmake (version >= 3.9), since commit 46f0b93. CMake part 2: Examples to build executable and library projects 30 Mar 2022 Introduction CMake is a cross-platform software for building projects written in C, C++, Fortran, CUDA and so on. It will display the path of the library found by CMake: You can double-check that the program produced by CMake no longer has a dependency on by running ldd again: You only need to change the project name, and add the files that need to be compiled in foo/CMakeLists.txt. A simple example Here's a small example of a library that uses Boost in its headers and therefore wishes to have its clients setup those directories as well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 set (TARGET_NAME cool_lib) add_library ($ {TARGET_NAME} STATIC cool_feature.cpp cool_feature.hpp) target_include_directories ($ {TARGET_NAME} cmake-example-library CMake library example that can be found using find_package (). What is the proper way to link an .so file in CMake? On a project using a shared library using Qt6, the compiler raise the LNK2001 error unresolved external symbol. The problem is, that CMake follows the symlink and then the ldd dependency libcryptoki becomes libeToken - the middleware becomes hardcoded: Search the paths specified by the PATHS option or in the short-hand version of the command. add_executable (aten_libtorch aten_min.cpp) add_library (torch SHARED IMPORTED) # The next line hard-codes the library path and file name in the executable set_target_properties (torch PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION $ {ATEN_LIB_DIR}/shared/ target_link_libraries (aten_libtorch torch c10) link_libraries ([item1 [item2 [.]]] The buildsystem will have a dependency to re-link <target> if the library file changes. Legacy (non-namespaced) names are still available, for example arrow_shared. As a result, namespaced targets are now exported, such as Arrow::arrow_shared. In the main CMakeList.txt cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.12) project (GraphicTest) set (CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) include_directories ("$ {PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/SDL") add_subdirectory (SDL) add_executable (GraphicTest main.cpp) target_link_libraries (GraphicTest SDL2) and in the library folder. The named target must be created by add_library () within the project or as an IMPORTED library . Other changes Our CMake package files have been overhauled (ARROW-12175). [ [debug|optimized|general] <item>] .) But doing just that would be too easy, wouldn't it. AIX CIBA A CMakeLists.txt Link a shared library with CMake Link a shared library with CMake 74,851 Solution 1 I think that what you want is to import a library for CMake: add_library(testlib SHARED IMPORTED) set_property(TARGET testlib PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION "/projectspath/LinkTest/TestLib/app/build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/armeabi-v7a/") Right-click on the project in Solution Explorer and select "Launch CMake Debugger": Step to the target_link_libraries () line and check the sqlite3 variable. Specify libraries or flags to use when linking any targets created later in the current directory or below by commands such as add_executable () or add_library (). cmake .. make all This creates the shared library file: Install the shared library The final step for installing and registering the shared library on your Linux system, involves running these commands from the terminal: sudo make install sudo ldconfig I am developing a conan package which consists in an executable and a bunch of shared libraries, which depend on examplepkg. 2.) Remove the link_directories, so CMake picks up the shared library /lib/ Program Library HOWTO - The section about shared libraries. CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH The platform paths that these variables contain are locations that typically include installed software. 3# Make the library available system wide. Here is your code with the modifications needed: m.h #include "m_exports.h" int M_EXPORTS m (); m.c Example. CMake will build the library as libtest.a and install it into lib folder of the install directory. CMake Best Practices - The book cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/mylib/install .. Introduction to CMake by Example Page Contents [ hide] 1 Introduction 2 Source Code for this Discussion 3 Example 1: The Hello World Example 4 Example 2: A Project with Directories 5 Example 3: Building a Shared Library (.so) 6 Example 4: Building a Static Library (.a) 7 Example 5: Using a Shared or Static Library 8 Conclusions Introduction Note These are typically hard-coded guesses. target_link_libraries() .ccpp .so $ sudo make install [100%] Built target PrimeUtil Install the project. This will install and place in /usr/lib. -- Install configuration: "" -- Installing: /usr/lib/ -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/include/primeutil.h Here is the tree view: helloworld i.e.. find_library(TCMALLOC_LIB NAMES libtcmalloc_minimal.a tcmalloc . It uses modern CMake. set (SomeLib_SHARED_LIBS YES) find_package (SomeLib REQUIRED) However, BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is supposed to be reserved for the user and not set by the build. It compiles projects with compilers like GCC, Clang, Intel, MS Visual C++. Making a library with CMake is not that different from making an application - instead of add_executable you call add_library. The project can be found at GitHub: % [] Libraries - A Quick Refresher A library can be either static or shared. The example is taken from SI, a header-only library that provides strongly typed physical units . I made a minimal project showing the problem. Listing 1 shows the CMake file for a CUDA example called "particles". Instead of a static library we can build a shared lib as well: add_library(test SHARED test.c) Linking libraries to executables with CMake If you only need to support non-Windows platforms, then this old email from the CMake mailing list from one of the Kitware developers gives the simplest method. The complete version has a test target which builds the foo_test executable (only if needed) and launches it (always). Shared objects for the object disoriented! CMake utilizes build-systems such as Ninja, Linux make, Visual Studio, and Xcode. Linking a Shared Library Building the Example Introduction Shows a hello world example which first creates and links a shared library. A library target name: The generated link line will have the full path to the linkable library file associated with the target. CMake's function for creating a library is add_library, and the code block below shows the usage. sharedmoduledlopen-build_shared_libsstaticshared It supports compiling the library either as static or shared. The docs say the following about target_link_libraries (): The named must have been created in the current directory by a command such as add_executable () or add_library (). We also include our public header file into the install step and tell cmake to put it into include. Features The main advantage of this example is that it is auto-generated . This also shows how to create an alias target The files in this tutorial are below: $ tree . Let's start with an example of building CUDA with CMake. Requirements API: C++ 11 or newer, CMake 3.5+ Compiler: GCC, Clang or MSVC About link two static libraries to a shared library - Code - CMake Discourse CMake Discourse Code os:windows NePutin94 (Dmitry) September 22, 2021, 9:19am #1 The structure of my project: +--ROOT -CmakeLists.txt +--imgui -CmakeLists.txt +--core -CmakeLists.txt +--imgui_glfw -CmakeLists.txt add_library(my_lib lib.cpp) The CMake variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS controls whenever to build an static (OFF) or an shared (ON) library, using for example cmake ..-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON.However, you can explicitly set to build an shared or an static library by adding STATIC or SHARED after the target name: It provides cross-platform macros for exporting library symbols, supporting Windows and Linux. I am not a CMake expert so I start from the Qt example code here: that I modify to match my requirements. The convention CMake uses to name the file of your library is as follows: lib library-name .so For example, if you specify "native-lib" as the name of your shared library in the build script, CMake creates a file named To create an build target that creates an library, use the add_library command:. CMakeLists.txt include shared Hello.h src Hello.cpp main.cpp In short you need some "export prefix" defined for whatever is declared in m.h. Notably, I stripped any information relating to testing out of the project. Otherwise the build process will not generate an "import library" for statically linking named m.lib (see also CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_SUFFIX ). and finally, yes, you need to specify PRIVATE <static libs> when linking your shared library, so the linker command line for your executable wouldn't have any static libs zaufi 6349 score:7 As I know, CMake doesn't allow to mix STATIC and SHARED libraries. This is an example linking SDL2.

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cmake link shared library example