which planet is good in 8th house

The lord of the 8th house represents the hand of destiny, in a most . The 8th house is called the Ayu Bhava in Vedic Astrology. 5)1st house represents native's livelihood, wealth, name & fame or all matters which is related to native. E. One of the best placements in astrology, Venus in the eighth house brings finesse, beauty and pleasure to the eighth house. Major Traits of Planet in Eighth House. Pluto in the eighth house can cause some of the most karmic relationships. In kundli prediction, if Saturn is placed in the 8th house it is supposed to make the native free from miseries and grant good longevity. The 8th house is by far the most important house in my chart for a multitude of reasons: - The sun is in the 8th house. It will help you to come out from this Materialistic world. . 8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 1st House as If the owner of the eighth house is Saturn and is located in the first house, it makes the native long-lived. Body parts it governs include the reproductive system and the colon area. Allowing ingrained patterns of behavior to strain committed relationships. While afflicted will certainly lead to waste of energy in non-essential works and fighting with obstacles and hurdles only, unable to use that energy in real confrontation of life. Bedridden death in the end happens to the native, mostly after prolonged illness or fractures in the leg, pelvis etc. Pluto in 8th House Man. The owner of the eighth in the first house will also . Ketu in the 8th house makes the spouse demanding in monetary subjects or in a bodily relationship, which from time to time, the husband fails to satisfy. Shared material items are not likely to be of much interest during this time, but shared finances, whether in a marriage or business, are likely to come into focus. . If you're someone who has personal planets in the eighth house- the personal planets being the sun, moon, Venus, Mars, and Mercury- this means there's always a part of you that dances in. It is not only the house of death . It can give you Love relationship outside of your own caste. Sun makes such people interested in paranormal science and occult understandings. This is where we go beneath the surface of the relationships that are developed in the 7th House of Partnership and cultivate a more profound intimacy with others. The planet that facilitates marriage is Venus. Beautiful Venus though, is the planet of beauty, love and art. . People may also be interested in physical mysteries, like those of sex and love. Shani or Saturn in 8th house, being karaka of longevity or life (Ayush Karaka) placement in this house is considered good and increases longevity. Jupiter in eighth house people tend to be lucky in eighth house matters. Jupiter in the 8th house Vedic astrology makes the natives work very hard and enable them to become good people and loyal partners. They also be interested in . due to which movement is restricted thus makes the native stick to bed. Uranus in the 8th House Your urge for change and awakening and the freedom that comes with them, makes itself felt in areas of your life relating to intimacy and sexuality, joint or others' resources, and hidden causes. They may even get this inheritance from their inlaws. Though Venus is not considered very well here, but there are no fixed rules. You have the potential to become a great teacher and guide in occult matters, which can help heal mankind. In your natal chart, the eighth house includes sex and intimacy, both sexual and non-sexual. It deals with the Scorpio sign, with characteristics such as mystery, possessiveness, passion and ambition. In order to do this, though, we must also establish intimacy with ourselves. Eighth-house Venus chart holders are comfortable with sex and appreciate the sensual pleasures it brings. They have aspirations for fame and fortune. What planet is good in the 8th house? The Planets in the Eighth House Sun. And when Ketu occupies this house, the native is strongly inclines towards metaphysical realms. This planet caters to the higher side of human life, namely the qualities and attributes of the mind. So its Placement in 8th house is also very good for spiritual Progress. Alternatively, a waning Moon is said to decrease longevity. As for the 8th house in Vedic astrology, it is considered to be malefic. In addition to that, it is important to analyze the strength, dignity, and condition of the 8th house ruler to determine additional . The 8th house, which I have written about before is not so simplistically (as it is often maligned) the house of death. It provides considerable insight into the conditions of the physical death, but the difficulty with comprehending the intrinsic nature of the 8th is based upon its primativity. Simply put, the 8th rules the birth-death-rebirth . Ketu in the Eighth House Ketu Placement in the eighth house of chart This house is the house of transformations, mystery, magic, wealth, accidents, gains, health, setbacks, and so on. If Lagna lord is situated in 8th house,it may cause certain emotional difficulties and failures in life. It can bless the natives in certain aspects of their life if Venus is strong. The give and take in intimate relationships comes easily and naturally. Jupiter is the planet of BIG money. It will give good intuition Power. They like to display their riches and be lavish in spending money on others. They look for love, and may marry several times. 8th House Meaning. Venus in the eighth house people are often very rich. When Rahu transits 8th house in Gochara, it is good for occult and hidden treasure.but adverse for health and court matters or latent enemies. Saturn is a Yogi Planet. Charles Carter says: Longevity of life seems to be the best experience to Jupiter well aspected in the 4th, 8th, or 12th houses, or in good aspect to their rulers or planets in them. Do you see the mix of positives and negatives here? The person may self harm or become involved with wrong crowd. Below are some indications of each House: By means of another example, if your Eighth House is Aquarius, then your planetary ruler is Saturn. Good Mars in eighth house can support native to overcome life flexes and cater to troubles aroused in terms of health, relations and social paradigm around. Natives will get an assortment of sadness and happiness in their life. There is the po So, when 8th house lord placed in 1st house than native may be facing obstacles in livelihood. Besides, they are highly intuitive . Dying and rebirth. Saturn is the karaka of 8th house. There can be nothing more frightening than the 8th house which is called Randhra bhava in Jyotisa. The Eighth House: signifies Fear, sudden events / profits, inheritance, spouse's income or family, biological energy, taste, more physical and basic. . - The ruler of the sun is in the 8th house. some unexpected trouble may be possible. Moon is worst planet to have in 8th house, second is mars and last is venus. The Moon and The Sun in the 8th House The firey Sun is the planet of energy, purpose and ego. Sun here is 8th house causes many transformations is life which can cause suffering. This planet rules good fortune, abundance, and wealth. If there is a planet in 12th house causing Vedha, both the Person A and B will not get the 100% results of Jupiter's benefic transit in 2nd house. It further helps them to move toward spiritual life. This due to the 8th house being the ruler of physical death, but also ego-death and as it is the house of transformation, something usually has to die to be reborn. Any planet that owns the eighth house and is well placed in the first will tend to give a long span of life to the native. Rahu in the ascendant and weak ascendent . He has a strong and vibrant persona that sucks people into his orbit, like he is a black hole! So, native may be getting all sorts of happiness through children and having blessing with children. The 7th house in your horoscope is connected to marriage. Planets In The Eighth House 1 Jupiter In 8th House 2 Saturn In 8th House 3 Uranus In 8th House 4 Neptune In 8th House 5 Pluto In 8th House What does an empty house in a horoscope without any planet mean? The eighth house is also called the Ayu Bhava in Vedic astrology. But it can give you Sudden outbursts of Anger. In astrology, when 2 planets transit through a single house, their energies are typically seen as adding to each other which makes any associated energy more pronounced in a person. 6-While most planets in the eighth house need to acquire a little detachment, Uranus must learn to reconcile his detached personality with the essential degree of intimacy. The 8th house in the Kundali is malefic. 9) When . Ketu in the 8th house in Kundli indicates a good character, happiness,successful career and longevity. The list of inauspicious planets include Sun,Saturn (Shani), Mars (Mangal), Rahu and Ketu. They are attracted to money and power. Venus in the eighth house indicates that you'll have a long life, and you'll die peace. The dreamlike Moon by contrast, is regarded as the planet of dreams, intuition and subconscious. But,8th house is house of transformations and sudden changes as well.And makes sure that life moves at good,consistent pace (fixed house).It will give you huge depth and wisdom as well. If you have planets in the 8th house, those spheres represented by the planet, can seem lost to you, as if they are hiding down a huge, dark well. If a Rasi is owned by Mercury or Venus is in the 8th house, Ketu will enhance the economic situation of the native and the social status, provided Mercury or Venus now no longer occupy the 1st . With an 8th House stellium and the potential for 8th House matters being elevated in your life, there are some pitfalls to watch for including: Struggling to let go of old ways of being to make way for new. Is it Good or Bad? In case if Venus is severely afflicted by top rated malefics then native will have quarrel in family life. Jupiter in 8th House: Being the planet of philosophy, Jupiter in the 8th house gives you a probing nature. A person may spend a good deal of money on this new hobby. . Saturn is a karmkaraka and is also associated with diseases and longevity. Strong Jupiter transiting in its own ruling sign signifies that the natives may overcome any health issues or disease. Planets in the eighth house aren't always in a good position. In your case, you have Mercury ruling the 8th, plus Mars and Pluto. 5 planets in 8th house. The fact that a particular house has no planets means nothing. Mercury is okay in 8th house but we Continue Reading Ranji Whittle 9) 8th house belong to strong or hidden fear. The 8th house is a place of depth -- deep bonding, deep sharing, and deep transformation. By Rajasundaram jayanthan, 9 years ago on Questions & Answers. That is because the 8th house positively signifies longevity, the auspicious results of which can be extracted by a well-placed planet in the 8th house. Usually, Jupiter's presence in the 8th house makes native intuitive and demands more hard work. However, an afflicted . The 8th house wants to deal with the dark emotions of humanity but it doesn't desire to hurt anyone. Father will have good fame & name in society, interest in politics, involvement in research related to energy or light, piles problem, native will hide is true nature, father will be secretive etc. The house rules over your psychology . In everyone's horoscope, the list of auspicious planets include Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Mercury (Budh) and Moon. Venus in 8th House Venus in the eighth house proves good or bad depending upon the strength of the lord of the eighth house. Even better, this placement can teach you to love truly. Also, Mars is the natural significator of the 8th house. These people understand pain and suffering. Jupiter rules the lagan is placed in the 8th house in Cancer its sign of exaltation, but will not be able to give good results as it is combust due to its closeness with the Sun. It is positive for the mystical side of your life. They want to enjoy the benefits of wealth. 1,579 1.6K. The Sun and Venus are in the 8th House The eternal Sun is the planet of ego, energy and purpose. It relates to the sign of Scorpio, which is known for attributes such as the air of mystery, possessiveness, passion, and ambition. You don't need them in your daily life: planets here become active during times of crisis and pressure. Unable to let go of control in your life. This planet is Saturn, the karaka of the eighth house. You use your incredible instincts to search out injustice and right the wrong. The natives of Jupiter in the 8th house can make huge financial gains by virtue of inheriting property and other assets. Now, you might wonder why is this important. They tend to attract people that suffered or are mentally unstable. Sun in the 8th House represents a lot of efforts and inclination towards exploring life's meanings and messages. Libra: Rahu in 8th house in Libra Sign is comparatively a better placement as the ruler of Libra is Venus which is a friendly planet to Rahu. Your ability to research and investigate any situation allows you to get to the bottom of things quickly. I have an 8th house stellium of my sun, mercury, venus, and jupiter. Native may be suffering from financial crisis or wealth issues. Venus is 8th house can prevent marriage, can cause many other problems. One thing you should watch out for is getting too much of good things. However, Venus is a benefic planet by nature. The effects of planets in the Eighth House: Sun in Eighth House. The 8th house represents longevity, tantra, sex, intimacy, delay, misery, dejection, insurance, wills, inheritance, gratuity, loss, blame, repute, disappointment, transformation, and long-term illnesses. Natives take interest in solving puzzles and mysterious things. Mercury in 8th House : Vedic Astrology Mercury is the planet that caters to intelligence, communication, a clever and analytical mind. A person with many 8th house planets will be hidden in the . Mars is the natural significator of the 8th house. The 8th house in astrology isn't the best placement for any planet because the 8th house isn't auspicious in itself. Venus in the 8th House. Planets in this house need therapy, not as an actual event, but as a type pf course , to bring them out of hiding in to the light of day. 5 planets in 8th house. Venus here can make you self-indulgent if it is afflicted. The 8th house is "the wrong crowd"! Sun in Eighth House: The planet is capable of giving . . . You may benefit from inheritance or from money through a marriage partner. While the 7th house focuses on your romantic relationships, the 8th house provides insight into the intimacy of those relationships. Exaltation in 8th house should also be considered neutral. You want to find where they are in your natal chart and what aspects they make to other planets. Introduction to understanding the houses: https://youtu.be/kUgNA4io0HAI'm going to be discussing the main planets in the 8th house:Sun - 2:10Moon - 4:37Mercu. If Venus has benefic aspection and very good shadbala then it will produce good result especially materialistic comfort for the native as being 10th lord aspecting 2nd house. It is the best house for the planets Jupiter & Sun and a weak house for Moon, Mars . - The chart ruler is in the 8th house. It also depends if it's known which sign is in 8th house. Planets in 8th house Sun: In 8th house, Sun lights up the 8th house. So Saturn in 8th house is a blessing for Astrologer, Spiritual Person etc. Jupiter in 8th House Compatibility Planet Jupiter symbolizes good luck, balance, integrity, generosity, productivity, and wealth. The Eighth House (House of Death and Regeneration - also of Legacies) Sun in 8th House (Planet of vitality and individuality): You are philosophical and have deep insights; you strive for self-improvement. 8th house represents obstacles, loss, misfortune, blaming, gambling etc. 8) 8th house is 4th from 5th house (regarding children) which is indicating happiness through children. Those are ruled by the earlier succedent housesthe sensual 2nd house and the flamboyant 5th house. When you look at your chart, you see that Saturn is placed in its own sign of Aquarius in the 8th House. So, 8th house lord in 8th house means 4th lord from 5th house is well placed. 8th House: Permanent bonding, sexuality, death and transformation Our erotic nature steams up the windows of the 8th house, which is often referred to as the "sex house." This isn't about the erogenous, body-based attraction. also indicates the access to other people's money and resources, impediments & speculation etc. If Rahu is in Chitra Star, you can have relationship abroad. - The ruler of the 8th house is in the 8th house. But there is one planet that gives very good results in the 8th house. Moreover it is the House of Occult Science and Spiritual progress as well. So, the placement of Venus in 8th house from Lagna shouldn't be dreaded at all. The 8th House in Astrology is commonly referred to as the the "House of Sex". Because the eighth house is a money house, too. The Pluto in the 8th House male is definitely someone with a magnetic personality. The Sun in the Eighth House is not considered good. Venus in the eighth house indicates that you can benefit from your spouse, inheritance or insurance. Each house has a natal chart ruler plus 1 or 2 natural rulers. Go to: 1st house - 2nd house - 3rd house - 4th house - 5th house - 6th house - 7th house - 9th house - 10th house - 11th house - 12th house Whilst the second house of astrology is the house of personal resources, its polar opposite, the eighth house, is the house of joint resources.. It's about marriage and corporate resources, and it in general deals with inherited money . These areas are usually very fraught with intense passions and emotions that are painfully hard to control. House for Moon, Mars in your daily life: planets here become active times. Jayanthan, 9 years ago on Questions & amp ; Sun and Venus are in eighth..., 8th house also very good results in the eighth house is Randhra. Emotions that are painfully hard to control many 8th house and failures in life attract people that suffered or mentally... If it & # x27 ; s presence in the 8th house Compatibility planet Jupiter symbolizes good,... Is worst planet to have in 8th house, too the effects of planets in the,! 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which planet is good in 8th house