Use as a hedge or en masse in the garden and landscape for a beautiful effect. Excellent for the shade garden or indoors. Check these Great Plant Combination Ideas with Camellia, An Eye-Catching Border Idea with colorful Allium and Euphorbia, A Super Climbing Duo with Clematis montana Grandiflora, A Super Climbing Duo with Clematis 'The President', A Super Climbing Trio with Clematis 'Ville de Lyon', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, H1, Cut Flowers, Plant of Merit, Showy, Evergreen, A fast grower, this medium-sized evergreen shrub has aspreading habit and grows up to 2-3 ft. tall (60-90 cm) and 8 ft. wide (240 cm), May be attacked by aphids, scale insects, and vine weevil, Apply a root mulch (leaves or shredded bark). From the United States, Australia . April Rose Camellia is a hybrid that was selected for exceptional cold hardiness and reliable flowering even in those colder zone 6B climates. New leaves are harvested to produce tea from plants that are kept pruned to waist high. C. sasanqua, C. hiemalis & C. vernalis. If I could only have one Camellia in my garden this would be it! Item# 10731. Item# 12838, Red Firecracker Fern, Firecracker Plant, Coral Fountain Plant, Torpedo Cuphea, Giant Bat Face Cuphea, Batface, Sunset Scentsation Night Blooming Jasmine, Queen of the Night, Lady of the Night, Coral Porterweed, Pink Porterweed, Orange Porterweed, Pink Snakeweed, Large fully double, rose form flowers in rich pink darkening to a near crimson center are produced over an extended period in fall. Use as a hedge or en masse in the garden and landscape for a beautiful effect. The hybrids tend to flower slightly later than Camellia sasanqua varieties and several are spreading or prostrate growers. Images courtesy of Cam Too Camellia Nursery, all rights reserved.Item# 13001. It lends itself to bonsai culture but is sure to be a low-maintenance conversation piece in the garden and landscape. Sub-Total : Aglaia is a compact growing Sasanqua Camellia with dark green foliage growing as wide as tall. Use as a hedge or en masse in the garden and landscape for a beautiful effect. Item# 12996. Deleting this collection CANNOT be undone. Its shapely habit, handsome, glossy foliage and fabulous flowers have attracted gardeners for hundreds of years in Japan, China and Korea. 16: 695 1940. Pink Snow Large; semi-double, light pink; outstanding. A very profuse bloomer over a long period in fall with beautiful clear-pink blossoms that are held against the deep rich green glossy foliage. Deep reddish pink 3" blossoms adorn this beautiful evergreen shrub in mid-late fall. Camellia sasanqua is one of the loveliest fall flowers, graceful in form, tender in color and pleasing in fragrance. Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. Sasanqua Camellias are much more tolerant of growing conditions than standard Japonica Camellias and can tolerate less than perfect soils and full sun to light shade conditions. Aglaia is a compact growing Sasanqua Camellia with dark green foliage growing as wide as tall. Kanjiro Sasanqua Camellia, a selection ofCamellia hiemalis, is a vigorous, upright growing, large evergreen shrub becoming rounded with age. All recommendations for pesticide use are for South Carolina only and were legal at the time of publication, but the status of registration and use patterns are subject to change by action of state and federal regulatory agencies. Camellia x williamsii are the first camellia hybrids. Image courtesy of Bobby Green and Green Nurseries. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. This variety has larger and more double flowers than manyother Sasanquas. John G. Drayton Late season; semi-double; carmine-rose. Wheeler Late; large; semi-double, rose pink. The brilliantly colored flowers of the Baja Fairy Duster are rich with nectar and pollen attracting hummingbirds, bees, and other pollinators. Sasanqua Camellias are much more tolerant of growing conditions than standard Japonica Camellias and can tolerate less than perfect soils and full sun to light shade conditions. Follow all directions, precautions and restrictions that are listed. Camellias need well-drained soil rich in organic material for establishment. An unusually small and compact growing Sasanqua Camellia whose habit it even more diminutive than its parent Shi-Shi Gashira. Bred for its fragrant flowers by Dr. William Ackerman in the 1970's it is still one of the most prized fragrant Camellias available. Your Message. Azalea flowers attract a variety of pollinators including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. The large rounded clusters of pink, blue, or even purple flowers are born in spring as well as all summer as this Hydrangea produces flowers on new wood as well as old. Item# 9123. Item# 12630, Dense, crowded clusters of intensely colored, serrated florets make up the medium to large, rounded deep reddish pink or intense blue-purple flower heads of this Big Leaf Hydrangea. Aglaia is a compact growing Sasanqua Camellia with dark green foliage growing as wide as tall. Hana-Nana Sasanqua Camellia is another excellent introduction from the work of Bobby Green and Green Nurseries and is a seedling of Hana-Jiman. Mme. Their smaller stature naturally lends many of these for use as Bonsai specimens. Item# 10540. Camellia hiemalis | Taxonomy - PubChem Taxonomy information for Camellia hiemalis. Camellia japonica cultivars: Following is a list of C. japonica cultivars that are old standbys. Over the last dozen years, I've experienced the full beauty of the 'Kanjiro.' A Green Nurseries introduction. In South Carolina the primary camellias used include cultivars of Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica), Sasanqua camellia (C. sasanqua and two closely related species, C. hiemalis, and C. vernalis), tea camellia (C. sinensis), tea-oil camellia (C. oleifera), and many hybrids using two other species extensively (C. reticulata and C. salvenensis). Prune to thin branching and control size and shape. Note this is the default cart. These plants are perfect where space is limited in the garden and landscape,as low hedges and accents, in front of or around larger shrubs and beneathtrees and tree standards. This species is very susceptible to cold. Large fully double, rose form flowers in rich pink darkening to a near crimson center are produced over an extended period in fall. New leaves are harvested to produce tea from plants that are kept pruned to waist high. Each zone is separated by 10oF and the map was updated in 2012. The small to medium-sized, medium pink to red, perfect or rose form flowers are produced in mid season or January to February. Provide shade for the soil to help reduce moisture loss and prevent weed seed germination. In acidic soils the flowers are a deep royal blue and in alkaline soils the flowers are a dark rosy red. Aglaia is a compact growing Sasanqua Camellia with dark green foliage growing as wide as tall. Camellia vernalis Yuletide with single form, crimson red flowers in November. The large double to semi-double, deep pink flowers are randomly splashed and flecked with starkly contrasting white with a bossyellow stamensand are produced in mid-late season or January to April. Hovey are a rich deep red ranging into dark pinks at times. The small light pink inner petaloids are usually interspersed with yellow stamens. Item# 11786. A pink sport of Elegans (Chandler) Variegated with large to very large anemone form blooms that sporta boss of yellow stamensare borne in early to mid season. Bot. Large fully double, rose form flowers in rich pink darkening to a near crimson center are produced over an extended period in fall. This information is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement of brand names or registered trademarks by the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service is implied, nor is any discrimination intended by the exclusion of products or manufacturers not named. This floriferous camellia has large, clear white double flowers that glow on clear winter evenings. Aglaia is a compact growing Sasanqua Camellia with dark green foliage growing as wide as tall. Setsugekka white; semi-double, large ruffled petals; vigorous plant growth to 10 feet tall. Camelia japonica 'Spring Frill', Formal Double and New Zealand . This application requires Javascript. The flowers, mostly single or semi-double,are not quite as large and showy as those of Camellia japonica, but they are bornin suchprofusion that a camellia sasanqua in full bloom becomes one of the glories of the fall garden. Provide Camellias with a fertile soil rich in organic matter, with average moisture, and an organic mulch.Images courtesy of CamToo Camellia Nursery, all rights reserved. Camellia reticulata has some of the biggest and most spectacular flowers, but is a rather gaunt and open shrub, about 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide. As with other Bigleaf Hydrangeas provide Akadama with a moist, well-drained soil in an area that receives morning sun and shade during the hottest portion of the day. Sub-Total : A fast grower, this medium-sized evergreen shrub has a spreading habit and grows up to 2-3 ft. tall (60-90 cm) and 8 ft. wide (240 cm) Won the US Ralph Peers sasanqua Award A part shade lover, this plant is best grown in consistently moist, acidic, organically rich , well-drained soils . Queens of the winter flowers, mid-season Camellias provide a splendid floral show in June - August in the southern hemisphere; January - March in the northernhemisphere. Image courtesy of Star Roses, all rights reserved. Item# 9106. AkadamaHydrangea's dense well-branching compact size lend it to use as a container plant as well as in gardens and landscapes of all sizes. Most plants that are native to alkaline soils can be grown in neutral to mildly acidic soils successfully, although the opposite generally is not true. Acidic or Strongly Acidic - pH less than 5.5; Mildly Acidic - pH 5.6-6.5; Neutral - pH 6.6-7.3; Mildly Alkaline - pH 7.4-8.4; Alkaline or Strongly Alkaline pH higher than 8.4. This dwarf Powderpuff also makes a low maintenance container plant. Partially fill the hole with loose soil before planting the camellia shallowly. US$0.00, AM sun, Part sun, Part shade, Filtered shade, Light shade, Camellia japonica 'Adolphe Audusson Special', Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun, Camellia japonica 'Betty Sheffield Funny Face', C. japonica 'Charming Betty', Camellia japonica 'Betty Sheffield Silver', AM sun, Part sun, Part shade, Part sun, Filtered shade, Light shade, Camellia japonica 'Bobby Fain Variegated', Full sun, Part sun, Part shade, Light shade, Pot Size: 4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. It is recommended to dig a large, deep planting hole to cut the roots of neighboring trees, which will otherwise compete for water with the newly planted camellia. Click here for more information. While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. Images courtesy of Green Nurseries, all rights reserved. Only plants will be removed from the collection. Camellia Japonica By Flowering Season (Early-Mid-Late) Camellias - Early Season Flowering Japonicas, Camellias - Exceptionally Long Flowering Japonicas, Camellias - Late Season Flowering Japonicas, Camellias - Midseason Flowering Japonicas, Dwarf Sasanqua Camellias (2 to 5 feet high), Fragrant Camellias, Sasanquas, and Hybrids, Great Plant Picks for the Pacific Northwest, Hardy Hibiscus (a.k.a. Camellias are fairly drought tolerant but need irrigation during extended dry periods; 1 inch of water should be applied every 10 days to 2 weeks. Most plants will grow and flower and or fruit best where they have ample moisture and nutrients available during the growing season. Some hundred-year-old plants may reach 25 feet high or more and as wide, but most gardeners can consider camellias to be 10-foot-tall shrubs. Green, black, white and oolong teas all are produced from the tea camellia foliage. Evergreen and deciduous shrubs thatgenerally stay below about 4feet high without any pruning whatsoever or with only very minimalpruning. This is a slow-growing, low-maintenance, evergreen shrub; excellent for adding year-round color and structure to the home landscape or in a woodland planting. Use this Camellia hybrid as a specimen or container plant or informal medium to large hedge. It has a slow rate of growth and dense compact habit eventuallydeveloping into an upright shrub becoming rounded with age.Provide Camellias with a fertile soil rich in organic matter, with average moisture, and an organic mulch.Images courtesy of CamToo Camellia Nursery, all rights reserved. They flower on different varieties from September until April. It has been crossed, selected, and propagated for such a long time that no one bothers to insist of the "x" for a . Ccile Brnner and The Sweetheart Rose, is a moderately vigorous heirloom garden rose maturing to about 3-4' high and wide. Camellia japonica Pink Perfection blooming in March with formal double flowers. Camellia 'Sweet Emily Kate' Plants : Camellia 'Yuletide Season' Plants : Camellia hiemalis 'Aglaia' Plants : Camellia hiemalis 'Green's Blues' Plants : Camellia hiemalis 'Showa-No-Sakae' Plants : Camellia japonica 'Adolphe Audusson' Plants : Camellia japonica 'Alba Plena' Plants : Camellia japonica Betty Sheffield Silver Camellia was discovered in nearby Beaumont, Texas by G.C. Black Magic is sure to cast a spell on anyone gazing upon its deep dark red, wavy petaled, double blossoms. Item# 11831. Deep reddish pink 3" blossoms adorn this beautiful evergreen shrub in mid-late fall. Kramers Supreme Midseason; very large; full peony form, red. They are sensitive to overwatering and succumb to root rot when kept too wet. The young leaves of another species, Camellia sinensis, are processed for tea, one of the world's most popular drinks. Another beautiful introduction from Nuccio's Nurseries. Flowering can begin as early as October and may last into the new year and unlike the large type Japonica Camellias the petals of the flowers can add a blanket of color beneath the plant as well on the plant. To use the website as intended please Item# 12248, The widely flaring deep blue-purple fan shaped flowers open from tubular buds, and are veryreminiscent of Scaevola or Half-Flower,open singly and in clusters held at the growing tips as well as in the leaf axils attracting bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. This is the average expected mature height by width in feet or inches. Red Firecracker Fern, Firecracker Plant, Coral Fountain Plant, Torpedo Cuphea, Giant Bat Face Cuphea, Batface, Sunset Scentsation Night Blooming Jasmine, Queen of the Night, Lady of the Night, Coral Porterweed, Pink Porterweed, Orange Porterweed, Pink Snakeweed. In the northern portions of its range plant Charm Red on the east or a semi-shady southern location for additional protection for the flower buds. Winters may be long and cold, but your garden can allay that dreariness and be transformed into a place of natural beauty with visually arresting textures or colors. camellia hiemalis 'aglaia. Join now and start creating your dream garden! Only plants will be removed from the collection. Almost Anita produces large to medium sized soft pink, double flowers that are heavily marked, streaked, and striped with bright fuchsia. Item# 9811. Lady Clare Midseason; large; semi- double, dark pink; above-average cold hardiness. Sub-Total : To create additional collections, you must be a paid member of our site. Buttons Gardenia develops into a densely branched small rounded evergreen shrub growing to about 1-1/2' high and wide. Soil moisture should be conserved by using a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch. The deep blue-green finely textured, nearly fern-like foliage is touch sensitive like the sensitive briar, if not quite as fast, and this one has no thorns. The 6" long conical panicles are composed of numerous fragrant deep magenta colored flowers that attract pollinators of all shapes and sizes throughout summer and into fall. 'Setsugekka' has a bit of a weeping habit, making it well-suited to an informal design. Plant database entry for Camellia (Camellia hiemalis 'Aglaia') with one image and 13 data details. A Green Nurseries introduction. Camellia Hiemalis C. heimalis is a smaller camellia variety, growing to just 14 feet high and 10 feet wide. The sweet pink buds are almost perfect for boutonnires and have a nice typical rose fragrance. The flowers may be single, semi-double, double, formal double or full peony form. (45 cm) up to12 feet (360 cm). Aglaia is a compact growing Sasanqua Camellia with dark green foliage growing as wide as tall. Item# 12993, A Camellia Hall of Fame Award winner! Prune after flowering as Quince flower on old wood. Tea camellia ( Camellia sinensis) grows to about 10 feet tall and has been in cultivation for three thousand years. The Buzz series of Butterfly Bushes aresmall enough to be enjoyed as fragrant patio container plants where they can draw pollinators in closeas well as in the garden and landscape. Betty Sheffield Funny Face is a prolific and free flowering Camellia that flowers over a long period beginning in mid season and continuing until late in the season. Camellias are one of the most desirable and well-adapted plants for Southern gardens. If you do not know your zone you can find it by clicking on the "USDA Cold Hardiness Zones" link here or above. Item# 11312, The single white flowers of this fall and winter flowering Sasanqua Camellia are broadly edged in nicely contrasting dark rosy red, at times with purple tinges, with a large boss of bright yellow stamens. Item # 9505. Golden stamens provide nice contrast for the medium to large flowers. Astronaut Azalea, a.k.a. Nuccios Gem Midseason; medium-large, formal double, white. camellia hiemalis 'aglaia. Ave Maria Camellia develops into a nicely rounded evergreen shrub about as wide as it is tall. Camellia sasanqua Shishi-Gashira blooming in November. Camellia hiemalis is a species of camellia that is a shrub or small tree, with evergreen leaves and red, pink, or white flowers. The plant itself is known to be hardy into zone 5 but it is best enjoyed in zones 8 and warmer or as a container plant. Camellias are large, attractive, broad-leaved, evergreen shrubs that are highly prized for their flowers, which bloom from winter to spring. Item# 11312, The wavy, 3-4" wide flowers of Feathered Edge Sasanqua Camellia are white broadly edged with dark rosy red with feathery streaks radiating inward. In zones 5-6 Bluebeard tends to act morelike a clump forming die-back perennial and becomes more shrub-like where winters are milder, although, it benefits from hard late winter or early spring pruning since it flowers on new growth. Pruning Camellias typically need minimal pruning. As theformal double blooms open, theirfrilled petals reveal small central stamens. They are probably crosses between Camellia japonica and Camellia sasanqua. Another excellent Bobby Green and Green's Nurseries introduction! Provide a full to mostly sunny site in an average moist, fertile soil with average or better drainage for optimum vigor and flowering. Many camellias set more buds than they can open. Camelia japonica 'Adolphe Audusson', Anemone Form Alba Plena Camellia is a naturally dense upright to rounded large evergreen shrub. Item# 3111. Itcan be used as a screen, tall hedge, as a specimen plant, and can also be trained into a tree form. April Dawn Camellia is a hybrid that was selected for exceptional cold hardiness and reliable flowering even in those colder zone 6B climates. The delicate somewhat fine foliage and compact habit lend this rose to use in cottage garden settings. And these are averages, here in zone 8B ('A' represents the colder half of a zone and 'B' represents the warmer half of the zone and they are separated by about 5oF) we have seen single digits but that is the exception but should be noted by the daring gardener. Because camellias are slow-growers, they are slow to get established. Flowering Quince are easy to grow and long-lived deciduous shrubs with good drought tolerance once established. The rambling and short, pendulous habit of its branchesmakes 'Chansonettea fabulous garden subject for a colorful espalieror groundcover. The foliage is large and shiny and is held on stout sturdy stems. Camellias can be planted any time of the year (preferably from October to November and from March to mid-April) provided they are properly planted and mulched and checked for water frequently. The medium to large, perfect or rose form, pure white blossoms are produced early in the season and are held against the medium apple-green foliage. Also remove stones and break up heavy clay soils. Varieties . A common myth about Camellias is that they are very fussy and difficult to grow. The Winter's Snowman Camellia is an upright compact shrub perfect for a tall informal hedge planting. Create a membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on any device. Camellia japonica: Page 1 | 2 Next Add a new plant to this list. Theelegant and open habit of Camellia sasanqua allows them to blend beautifully with other shrubs, without dominating the way the larger leaved, denser growing camellia japonica do. Item# 12994, Zone 6B cold hardy! This is a dense and compact growing rounded evergreen shrub that lends itself to use as a low to medium sized hedge, small specimen or container plant. 16: 695 1940. Camellias require very little pruning except for the removal of damaged branches and long shoots that detract from the attractive form of the shrub. Deep yellow is widely splashed across and along the edges of the rich green tropical foliage of this upright to semi-vine like evergreen shrub. This would make a great anchor plant in a white winter garden. Burned leaf edges and excessive leaf drop usually indicate over-fertilizing. It was developed in 1881 by Joseph Pernet-Ducher and is still highly popular 150 years later. Aglaia is a compact growing Sasanqua Camellia with dark green foliage growing as wide as tall. Foliage. Camellia sasanqua shrubs are more sun tolerant than Camellia japonica and are slightly more cold-hardy(USDA Hardiness Zone 7 - 9). (90-120 cm) Hardiness: USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 C (0 F) USDA Zone 7b: to -14.9 C (5 F) USDA Zone 8a: to -12.2 C (10 F) Vigorous, upright growing, large ruffled petals ; vigorous plant growth to feet! The attractive form of the shrub and fabulous flowers have attracted gardeners for of... Provide a full to mostly sunny site in an average moist, fertile with. On anyone gazing upon its deep dark red, perfect or rose form are. Kanjiro Sasanqua Camellia with dark green foliage growing as wide, but most gardeners can consider to... A screen, tall hedge, as a specimen plant, and be... Double flowers than manyother Sasanquas cold hardiness and reliable flowering even in those colder zone 6B.... 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