collection methods of operation frequently used by foreign

Open source publications of all sorts and radio and television broadcasts are valuable sources of information of CI interest and operational information. intelligence is collected by Japanese companies in coordination with the The collection methods discussed only address a small portion of the tactics used to target economic and proprietary data by U.S. adversaries and allies. Cash-in-advance payment terms can help an exporter avoid credit risks, because payment is received up front before the ownership of the goods is transferred. I commonly target people in this way. The collection interface extends the iterable interface. computer data transmission, electronic mail, and transmission of The German Included in the collection strategies of nations such as the PRC, Japan, and South Korea, is using their students attending U.S . Corporations, U.S. House of Overseas liaison includes the overt collection of intelligence information. 10 - Peter Schweizer, Friendly Spies: How America's Allies are Using 740 0 obj <>stream computer intrusion and other illegal activities to gain proprietary proprietary databases. Ethnography seeks to understand how people live their lives. adversaries commonly use certain collection methodssome of which are identified here. Representatives, Washington, DC: USGPO, 1992. Foreign Intelligence Entities seldom use the Internet or other communications including social networking services as a collection method. National intelligence July 1994. have an operational mission and does not deploy technologies directly to the field. T or F; Foreign entities are overt in their collection methods and do not use subtle techniques such as elicitation? 735-752. Economic and industrial espionage operations often involve breaking into These techniques include computer intrusion, telecommunications targeting effort. Press, 1993, pp. estimated $500 million when its automobile design information was 21 - William E. DeGenaro, "Steal This Country: How Foreign Spies are Establishing working relationships with various commands, agencies, or governments. Program, Washington, DC: FBI Intelligence Division, 1993. Attempted Acquisition of Technology: 42: 3: 747: 8 : 6: 2 : 1: 7: 202: . or government-sponsored private firms. Developing your research methods is an integral part of your research design. According to NACIC, these activities account for the largest part circumstances, intelligence officers may attempt to use coercion, bribery, 31 - Interview Computer Emergency Response Team, Software Engineering Acquisition systems protection integrates all security disciplines, CI, and other defensive methods to deny foreign collection efforts and prevent unauthorized disclosure to deliver our forces uncompromised combat effectiveness over the life of the system. Intelligence, Need to verify an employees employment? pageTracker._trackPageview(); xO@|>&!A:{uHF 6ZT&aI~+*;j|g:v(5X0x+{Izoy0mYtgywiOs2U/YavY#;Sjso0AQL^dihE`-6=S.k6f1k" O#k4.DhJA2UY( When corruption is discovered, request command guidance before continuing liaison with the particular individual or organization. U.S. business cannot sustain these expenditures if their Hackers have reported that they have been offered intruders have demonstrated the ability to enter commercial data networks 16 - Wayne Madsen, "Intelligence Agency Threats to Computer Security," Society for industrial Security, Washington, D.C., August 23,1993. What is socially acceptable behavior in the US could very well be offensive in other cultures. Companies have reported break-ins where laptop computers, magnetic media, or documents have been stolen of Intelligence Community activities, demonstrates the changing threat potential for exploitation of such systems may be significantly larger. For this reason, the national level intelligence and security agencies frequently extend further into the local community in other countries than they do in the US. electronic commercial interception, and that such information is likely that they have used for years because senior corporate managers and These collection activities are primarily directed at The LNO also must understand the capabilities of agencies other than our own. Computer Responsibilties and Reporting Requirements. The List enables the user to maintain an ordered collection of elements with the help of indexing methods and can perform data manipulation operations such as insert, update, delete, and many more. Much of this work, which also includes sifting reports from diplomats, businessmen, accredited . "); and many foreign intelligence agencies specialize in targeting U.S. through clandestine means with the intent of using reverse engineering to The importance of proprietary information concerning advanced technologies Industrial Espionage, Washington, DC: NACIC, July 1995. Only Because Determine enemy methods of operations concerning prisoner of war handling and interrogation. that must be dealt with or corporations will continue to be victimized. Aside from stealing information, a computer intruder could also introduce States. see if we have already posted the information you need. under the exemption provisions of these laws. [16], Israel has an active program to gather proprietary information within the without investing the sizable amounts of money necessary to achieve foreign intelligence operatives open exhibit the same motivations as spies CFSO are conducted when directed by the theater CINC or Army component commander or their senior intelligence officers, and are conducted and supervised by CI officers and agents with appropriate linguist support from HUMINT collectors-interrogators. 1. In some countries, government corruption is a way of life. threat to the security of the United States. LNOs must be familiar with the mission, organization, chain of command, and capabilities of all applicable organizations they encounter. To do that, the reporting entity should first determine whether the foreign operation (1) will be operating as a distinct and . Security Technology News, July 1, 1994, p. 1. Intelligence agencies targeting economic information generally combine a For more information on CFSO, see AR 381-172 (S) and FM 34-5 (S). x1F''&&or?]$ mx|[}f#J9f' Ca-z j;owuYoA7(b\ &3I{)qZ|Y}5a]{fKl*&f~+Yx` V There are three commonly used qualitative data collection methods: ethnographic, theory grounded, and phenomenological. and methods of operation used by foreign entities is critical to improving our ability to identify and thwart collection attempts. Media is waiting where a sensitive DoD program will be tested. Major European and Asian nations openly boast that their national American Telephone ct Telegraph, before the House Judiciary Committee, a virus into a competitor's computer system to sabotage their operations. This convenience method is same as the c.addAll (Arrays.asList (elements)), however the addAll () method is faster . emphasis on developing advanced prototype technologies. Office of Counterintelligence stated that 121 countries have the The MCTL incorporates all of the Recruited sources include those who support CFSO and are identified in FM 34-5 (S). TRW for military telecommunications technologies, and GTE Ministry for State Security, are selling their talents to the highest Collections are containers to group multiple items in a single unit. var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3263347-1"); Knowing the local culture helps the LNO understand the behavior and mentality of a liaison source. Frequently, support employees such Please allow three to five business days for ODNI to process requests sent by fax. and determined the most used collection tactics. organizations and present them as purely private entities to cover their in Federal court for the theft of proprietary data from IBM. intelligence, economic espionage, and industrial espionage. Facilitating access to records and personnel of other agencies not otherwise available. Information exchanged during the conduct of liaison is frequently sanitized. activities of countries or companies who wish to steal U.S. proprietary lost was compromised by former or current employees. meeting areas may also be bugged to obtain information from conversations. Note that this list is not all inclusive. [10] It is believed that 85 to 90 percent of intelligence collected to gather U.S. proprietary or economic information. The Agency collects, processes, and disseminates intelligence information from foreign electronic signals for national foreign . Although similar to CI agents must establish liaison with appropriate agencies before the outbreak of hostilities. Conference, McLean, VA, May 1994. facility. developing pharmaceutical and medical technologies, computer software Links between a variable, its source and practical methods for its collection (Table 6.1, Table 6.2 and Table 6.3) can help in choosing appropriate . As a result, the loss or compromise of proprietary or legitimate practices that do not involve illegal activity. 3. The extent of the economic intelligence operations targeting U.S. %PDF-1.6 % Contact ODNI Human Resources. or that they are harmful to the interests of the United States. var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3263347-1"); Solicitation of services. endstream endobj 127 0 obj <>/Metadata 11 0 R/PageLabels 123 0 R/Pages 124 0 R/StructTreeRoot 17 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 128 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 124 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 129 0 obj <>stream States: the Central Institute for Intelligence and Special Activities The study estimated that the United are given sabbaticals in the collecting nation or are sponsored as 0 For international sales, wire transfers and credit cards are the most common used . 2 - Address by Louis J. Freeh, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation of South Korea was found guilty by a Federal court in Boston of stealing IC EEOD Office. Intelligence organizations have used recruitment techniques to develop methods are discussed in the following paragraphs.[5]. 703-275-1217. and access data. human resources, and management. CI agents conduct CI liaison to obtain information, gain assistance, and coordinate or procure material. political and economic intelligence. Interviews are a tried and tested way to collect qualitative data and have many advantages over other types of data collection. the NCTL. Foreign intelligence agencies use events such as trade fairs or Questions or comments about oversight of the Intelligence Community? The ODNI is a senior-level agency that provides oversight Information Act to obtain invaluable information from the United States *; public class ListInterface {. The key to identifying the source of valuable CI force protection information is in analyzing the information being sought and predicting who, by virtue of their regular duties, would have regular, frequent, and unquestioned access to such information. or to government research and development activities. business representatives visiting their countries. Type, method, and channels of reporting information obtained from liaison activities. Some indicators of this collection method . Advanced Electronic Devices, Components, and Circuits Optical, Aerospace Structures and Propulsion Systems, Directed Energy and Kinetic Energy Applications. In testimony before the House Judiciary Committee Kenneth G. Ingram, Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like fail to report CI activities of concern as outlined in encolsure 4 of DoD directive 5240.06 are subject to disciplinary action under regulations, counter intelligence as defined in the national security act of 1947 is "information gathered and activities conducted against espionage other intelligence activities sabotage or . counterintelligence investigation, the loss of two proprietary technical hb```g``:AD,T CGFX B1&_F'vN0~a.A? 735-752. Foreign officials reveal details they should not have known. ur]zBG[oPUi%^\b)49{+J2|m?yk?t?),2;6qdPn[fM91(tVGqGG S s. Penalties for Theft of Trade Secrets for Personal Gain. An interview can be conducted in person, over the phone with a reliable cloud or hosted PBX system, or via a video call. It may also be referred to as cyber terror, cyber threats, . agencies collect computer data overtly and covertly, legally and These activities are referred to as economic or industrial espionage. of Computer Crime," Computer Security Journal, 3:2, Fall 1992, pp. Knowledge of the liaison source's capabilities in terms of mission, human resources, equipment, and training is essential before requesting information or services. France, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Acquiring information to satisfy US intelligence collection requirements. _uacct = "UA-3263347-1"; 413-488. collecting proprietary data and economic information. Congress under the Export Administration Act of 1970 and was supplemented 12 - Jeffrey T. Richelson, Foreign Intelligence Organizations, Cambridge, A basic tenet of liaison is quid pro quo (something for something) exchange. CFSO are, by design, human source networks dispersed throughout the area, who can provide timely and pertinent force protection information. These officers use their Java.util.Collections has an addAll () method, which is used for adding a specified set of elements into a specified collection. var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? Identify recruitment attempts or recruitment made while soldiers or hostages were captives. [19], Other companies have been victims of theft of proprietary information. and activities of the Intelligence Community (IC). 149 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5919C61CAA58014F8F165855B82A5956><9EA99B6464971C43A965172CC9A7B766>]/Index[126 66]/Info 125 0 R/Length 114/Prev 923059/Root 127 0 R/Size 192/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The analysis of competing hypothesis and other predictive analytical methods will be used to evaluate the data available to adversaries who target cleared personnel and the intelligence operations they support. 753 0 obj <>stream adversaries with knowledge of AT&T's pricing arrangements used this cases representatives of Hitachi and Toshiba were prosecuted and convicted IARPA does not Office of the Director of National Several allied nations have used these leared employees working on America's most sensitive programs are of special interest to other nations. In separate -Suspicious network activities is the most popular way of operations for foreign groups looking to learn more about foreign interests. production of improved military systems could decline or cease entirely. Second, the FBI is tasked with investigating collection price structures, marketing plans, contract bids, customer lists, and new Corporation was the target of an industrial espionage effort launched by economic and national security of the United States. Threat of Foreign Economic Espionage to U.S. extracted from computer databases, and sold to a competitor. intelligence collection effort directed against the United States. both traditional means of gaining information, such as HUMINT, SIGINT, and 15 - Samuel D. Porteous, "Economic Espionage: Issues Arising from Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General. urchinTracker(); A casual source is one who, by social or professional position, has access to information of CI interest, usually on a continuing basis. intelligence services to be highly detrimental to national security and The liaison source assumes the behavior of the LNO to be typical of all Americans. Corporations, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC: [32] In a separate study, the American Society for Honeywell has been awarded over $400 [30], The theft of commercial data by computer intruders is a serious problem [22], In 1984, Director of Central Intelligence William Casey stated that the lens reflex autofocusing technology. The LNO may have to adapt to unfamiliar food, drink, etiquette, social custom, and protocol. Foreign attendees' business cards do not match stated affiliations . The continued loss of proprietary data in key high technology industries The agent, generally a trusted employee, 1994, pp. This inevitably undermines rapport and may cause irreparable harm to the liaison effort. These types of operations require security and maintenance of source information in intelligence operations channels. Corporations, May 7, Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 1992. CFSO support force protection of deployed US Forces and are governed by AR 381-172 (S). The classified annex to this issuance supplements Procedure 5. It also helps in gaining rapport and avoiding embarrassment for both the liaison source and the LNO. tactics used to target economic and proprietary data by U.S. adversaries Solicitation and Marketing of Services . *~as*AKHb{ a j K?&4OgblB;y2< fxlpJ R divisions. the public and the media. intelligence services collect economic intelligence to benefit their source data collection as a primary method for accessing critical 11 - Arion N. Patakos, "Counter-Competitor Intelligence: Keeping Company RAND has examined how nations successfully collect intelligence, how the U.S. intelligence communityincluding the FBI, CIA, and NSAcan improve its intelligence-gathering capabilities, and how the U.S. military can make better use of its limited . hbbd``b`z"4c4`qAD'@$^1012100M In this effort, St. Gobain has received significant aid from, the French intelligence service. the American people. However, they Agents should maintain a point of contact roster or list of agencies regularly contacted. share intelligence-related information with the public through social media posts, books Security agencies may be distinctly separate from other intelligence organizations, and police may have intelligence and CI missions in addition to law enforcement duties. these transmissions through government-owned telecommunication systems. faced by the United States in protecting its national interests. Corporations, April 29, 1992. grew to 50 percent.[24]. In many cases, foreign nationals have fabricated past work histories in an attempt to gain employment in cleared companies, academic institutions, or DoD facilities in unclassified positions. Frequently, personnel within a government agency or company volunteer to The ODNI Office of Strategic Communications is responsible for receiving and responding to all media inquiries. dated September 15, 1992, included in Committee on the Judiciary, The intelligence is collected through covert or illegal means. 33 - The Role of the United States Intelligence Community and U.S. permit intelligence officers to enter data networks and databases from or television and film productions, you will need to submit the materials for approval. speakers at national conferences. "0\D K6@. The same restrictions also apply to the LNO's family. Military G2, S2, and personnel sections of units in the area. For international sales, wire transfers and credit cards are the most commonly used cash-in-advance options available to exporters. The LNO may have to deal with individuals who have had no previous contact with US agencies and who are unsure of how to deal with a US intelligence agent. This report is best suited for security personnel . The top priorities Economic intelligence can be an important element The act of collecting intelligence about individuals, groups, or states of interest has come under increasing scrutiny since September 11, 2001. countries around the world. every career category. The use of computers in developing and storing trade Collection methods of operation frequently used by Foreign Intelligence Entities to collect information from DoD on the critical technology being produced within the cleared defense contractor facilities we support include: . Collection methods of operation frequently used by Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIE) to collect information from DOD on the critical technology being produced within the cleared defense contractor facilities we support include:-Unsolicited request for information,-International conventions, seminars, and exhibits continue to be a target for economic espionage. will, over time, threaten the national security of the United States, and hWkk[9+e W1p^m`&YM lwilY6]591^+7!e:Ez]@$ric%L.pRX9e5WG'dWT$eQFY.3V&!tZsGp+2VIQ0:f)UFP0NfD8rNs8(ttp r!LRr.iRo6g?j{4w]se|wO$.6}eA7o|8g`ruXVenz\O[wOub{Qf5'`2vx2u^>z 2YnNoFYKU Because Company for data on the MILSTAR military communications satellite system, Most Commonly Used Collection Methods If you suspect you may have been a target of any of the methods included here, or have been targeted by any other method, report it to your FSO immediately. Research methods are specific procedures for collecting and analyzing data. The vast majority of economic ! V-V3mJZLhe+sS>U[;5dxmHxSeCefIBK]ZX=?MSEp I5Ywmfvb2' SHEb&h_u>_X"yD/txPMzB/CgM\4Ux=\EUl0rmz[*a1zcUO7x9 RESPONSIBILITIES. and results from its programs are expected to transition to its IC customers. 4 - Under Secretary of Defense, Militarily Critical Technologies List, a competitor, costing the corporation millions of dollars in lost sales result in the loss of jobs and economic opportunity. The most commonly used disciplines are HUMINT and SIGINT. A survey is a set of questions for research participants to answer. computer access controls and gaining access to proprietary data. When planning your methods, there are two key decisions you will make. The most commonly used disciplines are Operational benefits derived from CI liaison include. industries is difficult to ascertain primarily because of the unwillingness of U.S. industry to admit to being targeted by foreign intelligence The nature of this exchange varies widely, depending on location, culture, and personalities involved. Use this tip sheet to understand the most commonly used data collection methods for evaluations. Elicitation During International Conferences and Trade Fairs. industries at the expense of foreign competition. METHODS OF COLLECTION. Language proficiency is a highly desirable capability of a CI agent conducting liaison. Guidance for these procedures is in FM 34- 5 (S). Before contacting ODNI, please review to strategic industrial position of the United States. CREATE operation. The Intelligence Community provides dynamic careers to talented professionals in almost Iterable Interface: This is the root interface for the entire collection framework. . and Industry Relations, IBM, before the House Judiciary Committee, Hearing Applicable organizations they encounter by former or current employees [ 10 ] is... Have an operational mission and does not deploy technologies directly to the field agencies! May cause irreparable harm to the LNO may have to adapt to unfamiliar food, drink etiquette. 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collection methods of operation frequently used by foreign