Information, Frequently Asked This website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or Paradox Interactive. If we are to reinforce the Empire and keep foreigners out of Imperial affairs, we must press our claims on the lowlands, or risk losing them forever. Like all the theocracies the Papal State does not suffer a stability hit on monarch death, nor regencies. From events The Shadow Kingdom - Imperial resolution or The Shadow Kingdom - Imperial answer or The Shadow Kingdom - Incident start. As the head of the Catholic faith, the Pope has a unique responsibility to protect the faith and spread the Word of God far beyond the confines of the Papal States' worldly borders. If the Papal State owns no provinces it will go down a line of asking other Catholic nations, particularly the bishoprics, to cede them a single province. Declare war on Burgundy with a Restoration of Union casus belli. All our efforts to restore the dignity of the Holy Mother Church have been for naught, and so we must give serious consideration to abandoning this tainted institution. If not prevented: Despite the Imperial resolution to rein in Italy, there are still Italian states that refuse to accept the supremacy of the Empire. Become the controller of the following provinces: Independence is supported by the Emperor of the HRE. The Europa Universalis IV console can be opened by pressing one of the following keyboard hotkeys: `, ~, SHIFT + 2. With the end of the great religious upheaval that engulfed not only the Empire but also much of Europe, the cantons of Switzerland are reconsidering their increasingly loose relationship with the Empire. This cheat code would start "The King in Prussia" incident. Is either Age of Absolutism or Age of Revolutions. The Emperor of the HRE: With the death of the Duke of Burgundy, the Lowlands have completely slipped out of our reach. Be aware that the max number of cardinals is not 49, the papal state can continue appointing cardinals after 49. Discover new ways to expand your empire in this expansion to Paradox Development Studio's flagship game about the early modern era. It appears the mad nobles of Burgundy only recognise the language of violence and we shall have to enforce our lawful claim with blood. The Shadow Kingdom not prevented, Every country in Italy (or their overlord) will choose whether or not to stay in the Holy Roman Empire. "The Evangelical Union is Victorious" event. The Diet has agreed to a motion to unite the disparate states of The Empire into a nation state and recrown the Emperor as its hereditary ruler. When in 800 Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish king Charlemagne (r. 768-814) Roman emperor, this caused diplomatic tension. Completing the mission 'Secure the Succession'. To kill pope, use the favours interaction to break his alliance with your ally. Completely forgot that the event ended in 1490 (thought it would be in 1500) and I was in the middle of a war with France so I tried a bit to improve relations best I could with the Italian minors. The brother of the King of Portugal was a cardinal when the King unexpectedly died on campaign in Morocco; and tried to have the Pope release him from his vows so he could become king, but the Pope was pro-Hapsburg and refused, leading to Spain (the other potential successor) having a PU over Portugal for decades. It was last verified for. Contents 1 The Burgundian Inheritance [1] 1.1 Marie of Burgundy 1.2 The Burgundian Succession Lastly the witch trial event can grant another 10% decrease to the global reform desire for no cost. 3.3 [From.GetName] breaks out of the Empire. A year has passed since the start of the Imperial incident 'Hungary Wishes to Join the Empire'. This country loses their core, if they had one, Did not have this event during the reign of the current ruler, Owns at least 2 but no more than 4 non-colony provinces, Owns at least one Catholic province in Europe other than the capital, Choose one random owned Catholic province in Europe other than the capital, if possible one that borders another country, The Vatican library grants the player's choice of, The Papal State can also form the Kingdom Of God, which provides another. Incident events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Incident events Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article. I'm playing as Austria with all the DLCs how can I make the Pope join the Empire? Type a command into the text box and hit ENTER to send it. To gain the other six cardinal spend Curia treasury to appoint cardinals in other countries that the Papal state will conquer soon, but not too soon, since that papal state gets a five year peace with the target country. The Papal State starts small, surrounded by acquisitive opponents. The ID of the imperial incident you wish to start. Long Live the Emperor! It would become difficult for us to resist Burgundys continued advances into Imperial territory, and the Electors may begin to feel that the Burgundians would be a suitable candidate for Emperorship. Questions, Paradox AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 10 if its army strength is not 80% of the Emperor's. [Root.GetAdjective] efforts have not been completely in vain however; those states that have been reined in will not dare defy the Empire again. If the Pope decides to stay out of the Empire then you'll have to convince him of his error of judgement and relieve him of Rome for a bit. Does not have the country flag burgundy_bordergor. The Papal State must now choose whether to accept the hegemony of the Emperor or be condemned to sit naked and vulnerable on its doorstep.To accept the authority of the Emperor would have dire ramifications for the Catholic world. [Root.Monarch.GetName] [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] has been incapable of producing an heir in all of his years as the last remaining male of the [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] line. Burgundy gets the event "The Emperor Demands the Lowlands" in five days. This may lead to a War with France!The Emperor may Demand the Lowlands! Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). The Imperial incident "Petition for Membership" begins. The Emperor of the HRE gets the opinion modifier "The Great Privilege" towards Burgundy for 100 years, worth +100 opinion with a yearly decay of 1. If not, great too. For each practice banished not only the reform desire is decreased by a notable 10%, but also the related event is permanently disabled for all the Catholic nations, thus permanently stopping one of the most important sources of reform desire. The Vatican and Papal Controller now have new abilities to sway the souls of the Catholic faithful. As our great nation rises to ever loftier heights, the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] has made it known that he intends to elevate Prussia to the rank of Kingdom and himself to the rank of King. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 1.5 if its army strength is 80% of the Emperor's and by 3 if its army strength is 125% of the Emperor's. - YouTube We try to vassalize the HRE Emperor!If you enjoyed this video, please like, subscribe, or follow on twitter and facebook!Facebook:. Every owned province in the France region gets the province flag. the owner of the currently considered province has a claim on this province, Is a core of the owner of the currently considered province, the owner of the currently considered province gains a claim on this province, The country is removed as an elector of the HRE, The country is made an elector of the HRE. Type the name of an Imperial Incident or an Imperial Incident ID into the search box below to instantly filter the table. The Emperor is the leader of the Holy Roman Empire, tasked with defending and maintaining the sovereignty of member states. At least some were last verified for version 1.30. His Holiness has far greater challenges ahead of him than upstart leaders of Italian communes, however. Enabled if: With another +1 possible from 100 Devotion the Papal State's prestige drifts to 100 with little player intervention. While the Kingdom of Italy is still formally part of the Holy Roman Empire it has in many ways turned into a 'Shadow Kingdom', with the Italian states acting independently of the Emperor. The AI only chooses this option if they have rivaled the Papal States or are rivaled by them. These events were replaced by The Shadow Kingdom incident events and The Shadow Kingdom incident. His proposal is not law however, so we can and should refuse if we do not consider this pact to be in our interests. The reform has been passed and our time as an independent country is no more. No, it is merely the [Root.GetAdjective]. All rights reserved. The Shadow Empire event in 1490 may remove the Italian princes from the HRE (sooner with Emperor's imperial incident). If the option to make Marie an heir is chosen, the heir flag mary_is_heir is set. The action spends money from the Curia Treasury, or the papal states own pockets, to appoint a cardinal in the highest developed province of that country and the Papal state then gain 10 Invested influence instantly. Dharma seems to address this problem, developing many Indian nations and giving them unique features and mission trees that make the area more attractive to play. If the imperial reform 'Call for Reichsreform' has been passed: Otherwise, declare war on Burgundy with a Imperial Liberation casus belli. Dominating the Baltic Sea from our home port of Lbeck, members of the League were blessed with wealth. In this series I will play as the Papa. [Root.GetName] was among the states that were forced to accept the rule of the Empire, and our submission is proof that the Emperors word is law. The event Decline of the Hanseatic League option Declare an embargo against [lubeck_trade_power.GetName]., Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. The reformation spawning might free up many cardinals in northern Germany and in OPMs. Moreover, it significantly reduces the cost of appointing new cardinals (both inside and outside the Papal lands) and increases the benefits from cardinals within the Papal State. These territories are traditionally part of the Holy Roman Empire, and unsurprisingly, our inheritance has provoked [Emperor.GetName] to demand the territories from us. These muttered calls for some sort of Reformation, left unchecked, could spell disaster for the Papacy. On top of these bonuses, 100 devotion, high clergy estate influence and one of the Papal ideas can provide a total of +65% global tax modifier in a region with high tax base. In the video with Lucia in her dress walking on the street in Rockridge, you can see in the left side a building with a poster on the window where it's written: "At Shorefront, we know what you are worth". The Imperial incident "The Question of Holstein" begins. So, dont appoint cardinals in blobbing countries or in countries that the blobbing catholic countries will conquer. Provence can now finish a mission that gives them cores on all of Naples. We can only marvel at [Emperor.Monarch.GetHerHis] arrogance as we consider our response. The [From.Monarch.GetTitle] accepts our Offer! However, [Root.Monarch.GetName] is a cunning and wise [Root.Monarch.GetTitle], and has proposed to revoke the reforms of the previous ruler of [BUR.GetName] and introduce a Great Privilege. As a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire it would be untoward if we did not consult the Emperor in this matter, and so we have written a proposal that he would be wise to consider carefully. The primary source of Invested influence for the Papal State is from having cardinals within its borders and they give +1 Invested influence per cardinal (instead of 0.5 Papal influence like other catholic countries receives), and that gets automatically invested on the 1st of January. All of this means that as soon as the Papal State negotiates the opening stages of the game, perhaps by appeasing Austria and joining the Holy Roman Empire, is set to become a very offensive player in the European scenario, capable of expanding fast with minimal negative repercussions. I get the Imperial Authority points, I get Aggressive Expansion penalty, but The Papal State is not in the HRE. For years now Imperial Authority over the Kingdom of Italy has been waning. In an age defined by the growing authority of centralized states this is not especially remarkable, but in this case it has caused a serious diplomatic incident. Electing the Emperor See also: #Electors Emperors, once chosen, serve for life. Questions, Paradox on Paradox technology, Legal All the Princes of Germany must look to their defences and prepare for a war against the very people they once ruled. Papal State is also locked into Catholicism, but cannot get the perks other Catholics get from spending papal influence and has to deal with the Reformation without the ability to adopt a more tolerant religion, starts the game with the Blasphemy Act modifier that grants +1% missionary strength, but also a 1 tolerance of heretics that stacks with the usual Catholic low heretic tolerance for a total of 4 tolerance of heretics at the start of the game. EU4 1.30 Battle Pope! Enter a succession war against the Emperor of the HRE over Burgundy. The Papal State is the manifestation of the temporal power of the pope. The Emperor of the HRE gets the opinion modifier "Refused Imperial Entry" towards Burgundy for 40 years, worth -100 opinion with a yearly decay of 2.5. The [From.Monarch.GetTitle] rejects our Request! It was last verified for, The Laws of [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.Monarch.GetName], The Demands of the [Root.GetAdjective] Peasantry. The key to remain in control of the curia is to makes sure no other country have more than just one or two cardinals. They've been given a brand new mission tree to explore, with the goal to unite all of. New Holy Roman Empire System Deal with major imperial incidents that challenge royal power in pursuit of a centralized monarchy or decentralized confederation. AI will always choose this option if it is allied to Prussia. The failure of successive Emperors to restore Imperial authority in the region has also left large areas under the control of states that outright reject Imperial Authority.By now the question for many Italian states is why they should allow the Emperor any authority over their lands. It is rare indeed for the Holy Roman Empire to expand, but nothing in Imperial law appears to forbid it. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.29. This is no localized rebellion; the seeds of dissent are spread far across the Empire and often planted by dangerous heretics. The electors have decided to maintain their faith in us, and the Imperial Crown remains in $COUNTRY$. When a monarch with that flag ascends to the throne of Burgundy, the flag is removed and the country gets the hidden modifier Burgundian Succession Crisis with the following effects: The modifier Burgundian Succession Crisis is one of the requirements for the event Marie of Burgundy. There are many claimants to the [BUR.GovernmentName] of [BUR.GetName], and when we inherited the [BUR.GovernmentName] we had expected that the [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] of the Holy Roman Empire would demand [Emperor.Monarch.GetHerHis] traditional claims in the lowlands. Take those and some land in Spain, Aragon, and all of Brittany. Luckily the usually high stability will help in keeping rebellion and corruption under control, and the Papal State starts with a +25% religious unity modifier that will prevent things from getting truly nasty. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. While Catholics in the Empire might have their faith emboldened through the legitimacy conferred by Papal membership, those outside of the Empire are unlikely to take kindly to such a decision and may turn to heresy. Most of them also gain extra permanent Papal influence from events, national ideas and great projects. When we inherited Burgundy, we also became sovereign over Burgundys territories in the lowlands. [Root.Monarch.GetHerHisCap] father Philippe [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] famously despised Marie and insisted that no woman should sit the throne of Burgundy, but [Root.Monarch.GetName] is not his father and times are growing desperate. The papal states big catholic allies (Austria or France, Spain, England, Poland and so on), must be extremely limited with cardinals since allies will have great relations with the Papal state and dues gain more Papal influence. This is particularly annoying since adding Rome to the HRE is a part of the Austrian mission tree. The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Alone)" begins. 3.2 Dishonorable Emperor. This is most unexpected, as the line of [BUR.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] came to produce no male heir, we had expected that the [BUR.GovernmentName] would reintegrate with the [FRA.GetAdjective] [FRA.GovernmentName], with the Lowlands returning to the Empire. The Burghers estate gains the privilege 'The Great Privilege'. Buy Indulgence will always be too expensive to use on a regular basis since it is the Papal states own pockets that must pay for that Invested influence. AI will choose this option 10% of the time. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is not a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is not a rival of it, and by 1.5 if it has an opinion of the Emperor of at least 100. The [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] has sent an envoy, demanding that the Lowlands be separated from the [BUR.GovernmentName] of [BUR.GetName] and returned to their Princehood status within the Holy Roman Empire. AI will always never this option if its army strength is 80% of Burgundy's. Lbeck and all countries in Lbeck's Trade league get the opinion modifier Ignored our Plight towards the Emperor worth -50 opinion with a yearly decay of 1. [From.GetName]'s Request for the Electorate. The peasants have become, for the most part, less unruly and have learned to accept their place at the bottom of the natural order. AboutPressCopyrightContact. You can buy them for gold, but you should know the price scales with your level. Every province of the country that is a part of the Holy Roman Empire leaves the Holy Roman Empire. The AI will never choose this option if its army strength is 80% of the country saved as burgundian_overlord_target. This country becomes a vassal of the Holy Roman Emperor. A sweet and kind-hearted girl, and a loving wife to the [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] Prince, Marie will be sorely missed in the [burgundy_senior_partner.GetAdjective] court. AI is 1.25 times as likely to choose this option if it is a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is a rival of it, 1.5 times as likely if it is a rival of France or France is a rival of it, it has an opinion of France or the Emperor of -100, twice as likely if its army strength is 80% of the Emperor's or France's, and five times as often if it is a great power. There is the "The Pope and the Emperor" incident, where they can choose to join via the "A Holy Empire?" event. Oddone Colonna, Cardinal (later Pope) for supporting an Anti-Pope Girolamo Savanarola, some Church-critical monk Excommunications in EU4: Doge of Florence because the Pope doesn't like his hat Archduke Friedrich I of Austria, HRE because the Pope wants some rivalry between Rome and the Empire going on it seems Prussia gets the opinion modifier "King in Prussia" towards this country for 20 years, worth +50 opinion with a yearly decay of 2.5. To the east across the Adriatic Sea, the Ottomans threaten the Christian bastions of the Balkans, and left unchecked could march into the heart of the Holy Roman Empire itself. Successful peasant rebellions may be emboldened to overthrow the aristocracy and impose a radically different system of government. Otherwise, if it is in the France region: If the country has a stability of less than. Perhaps we should cede a province of ours? This unexpected course of action has, however, given us quite the strong claim to the [BUR.GovernmentName] and we could simply end the illegitimate reign of [BUR.Monarch.GetName] [BUR.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] by force. Claimed provinces are easier to core and start with lower local autonomyautonomy that will quickly drop thanks to the Papal State's government type. Every province owned by Burgundy with the province flag bur_succession_province: AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 10 if Burgundy has a liberty desire of greater than 50%. AI will always choose this option if its total development is less than 500. Burgundy gains "Burgundian Inheritance Reforms" until the end of the game, giving the following effects: Our state originally owed its existence to the royal family of Burgundy who broke away from the French Kingdom in an attempt to press our rightful claim on the Throne of all Franks. This is most unexpected, as [BUR.GetName] was little more than a petty duchy in revolt against the [FRA.GetAdjective] Crown. the Revoke The Privilegia imperial reform for every prince of the Holy Roman Empire that is not already a vassal of the emperor. A large part of the population has expressed support for the idea of such an establishment and has now turned to $MONARCH$ for approval. Paradox Interactive have formally announced the next Europa Universalis IV expansion, named Emperor. The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Strong Ally)" begins. This way the Papal state will have seven cardinals with in the first decades and already have over 100 Invested influence which should be enough to gain Papal control over the second pope. Locations. The AI never chooses this option if they have rivaled the emperor or are rivaled by the emperor. The [BUR.Monarch.GetTitle] of [BUR.GetName] wishes to join the Holy Roman Empire. Successive Emperors have failed to impose their will on the Italian states, as they have begun to act with total disregard for Imperial laws and customs.Unless the wayward nations of northern Italy are firmly reined in soon, Italy may slip out of Imperial control forever. Get strong allies and kill Ottos - with Italian economy you should be able to outlast them in a war, even if it means going over force limit and bankrupt. AI will choose this option 50% of the time. Battle Pope to nie zabawa, Battle Pope to czysty Totalen Krieg. on Paradox technology, Legal Interactive corporate website, Playing with normal or historical nations. Also note that as of March 2021, there is now a subscription option available for EU4's DLC library, which will net you access to everything for a monthly fee - more on that below. Of course, [Root.Monarch.GetName] will be wed in a traditional patrilineal marriage so Burgundy will essentially be subject to a foreign nation, but in this time of great chaos, what choice do we have? The Burgundian Inheritance Imperial event in Europa Universalis 4 Emperor The Burgundian Inheritance Imperial incident is an event that overrides the default outcomes that deal with the Holy Roman Empire. Switzerland has abandoned the Empire! AI will always choose this option if it is a rival of the triggering country or the triggering country is a rival of it. The Holy Roman Emperor loses 10 imperial authority. It truly saddens us to see that the dominions of the Pope have all but disappeared. Avoiding a direct border will help France remain friendly. The peasantry is rising up in revolt against their lawful masters, demanding an end to serfdom, and formal protections for their rights. As we have ruled over [pu_hre_country.GetName] for quite some time, we might consider whether to champion their cause for membership in the Empire. Venice and Naples are potential non-HRE rivals. Enabled if: If not prevented: While the Kingdom of Italy is still formally part of the Holy Roman Empire it has in many ways turned into a 'Shadow Kingdom', with the Italian states acting independently of the Emperor. If none of them can or everyone refuses, the papal state will have no property, but they will still have opinions and the papacy will still function. As our country strengthens its grip on the Imperial Crown and the Princes begin to see us as the natural holders, Imperial Authority increases. Doing this can be very valuable, since it offers +15% manpower in true faith provinces, +10% morale, + 2 monarch admin skill as well as, +1 prestige, +1 devotion and permanent claims on all of the Italian region. Miniaturka . Prussia must choose between their false crown and their status as an Imperial Prince. The duo were already notorious for touting false visions of a Trump re-election. Therefore, it could be wise to conquer great projects that provides Papal influence. This cheat command starts the imperial incident with the specified ID. Furthermore, they insist that, since Bohemia is now but a part of their greater dominions, the Bohemian Electorate should officially be transferred to the [hungary_country.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] Dynasty of Hungary. Valve Corporation. Emperor [Emperor.Monarch.GetName] of [Emperor.GetName] has rejected Reformed demands for equality within the Empire, proclaiming Protestantism to be the only true faith, and that those following other religions must fall in line or face consequences. - YouTube Welcome to the first 1.30 Emperor series as the Papal States! Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. The description below is one of several available for this event.The Dukes of Burgundy have always been a thorn in the side of House [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] of France, but with the death of the final male in the Burgundian line, Marie de Bourgogne has offered to reintegrate with France. the Renovatio Imperii imperial reform for the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Appoint cardinal is done at the curia screen and costs money from the Papal states own pockets and some corruption. Infighting within the League and a series of economic crises have led to our merchants not even having control over the trade around Lbeck itself. The Veneration of relics, Indulgences and Simony related events for the Papal State grant a choice between a small source of income for free and the banishment of said practices from the Catholic world at the cost of 1 stability. The AI always chooses this option unless they have rivaled the Papal States or are rivaled by them. Hidden effect: Burgundy declares war against the country saved as burgundy_senior_partner with an Independence casus belli. The Papal State is virtually guaranteed maximum prestige. /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Burgundian_Inheritance.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/01_scripted_effects_for_on_actions.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/common/on_actions/00_on_actions.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Burgundy_Joins_Empire.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_King_in_Prussia.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Generic_Incidents.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/flavorHUN.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Great_Peasants_War.txt, +1 when Peasants enforce demands; +2 when switching to Peasant Republic; -3 when switching from Peasant Republic, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Pope.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Shadow_Kingdom.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Switzerland.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_ReformerDissension.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Question_of_Holstein.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Hanseatic_Decline.txt,, Play Cardinal is done at the curia is to makes sure no other country have than. 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Reformation, left unchecked, could spell disaster for the Emperor See that the dominions the.
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