Jan. 1970-Nov. 1972. Scimitar. Nov. 20, 1967-May 12, 1968. Cushing Library 378.764/A27D. Microfilm / N / 429. Business newspaper. May 15, June 26, 1969. Microfilm / N / 955. 1969-Fall 1970. Microfilm / N / 185. Jan.6, 1962-Dec.1997. Microfilm / N / 800, reels 17-18. Blitz (Fort McIntosh). F / 381 / T42. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 11, reels 1-4. Saturday Journal. Sept.5-12, Oct.4-25, Nov.15, 1957. Jan. 2-May 31, 1960. 1811-1812. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 39. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 21. Who said polka dots have gone out of fashion? El Diario - La Prensa (in Spanish). Inner City Voice. Be nice and pay compliments to everyone around you. 1978-1981,1983,1985-1986,1989. Giddings Weekly News. Freeman's Journal. Pottstown Times. Weekly Bulletin (Samuel Huston College). Del Valle News (Del Valle Field). Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Sept.13, 1820. AP / 4 / T452 Evans stacks. (Title varies, including Dallas Mercury, Southern Mercury and Texas Advance, etc.). Oct.19, 1886. Globe. Randolph Rookie (Randolph Field). Jan.1831-Dec.1865. May 10, 1968-Nov.7, 1969, Jan.8, 1971-Dec.22, 1972 (some issues missing). Lets celebrate the unparalleled relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. San Francisco is busy during Winter Break, the week between Christmas and New Year, as well as just before Christmas when people come to see the holiday decorations. HD / 8396 / C5.2 Evans stacks. January 2022 Calendar with Holidays in printable format - United States. Dec.24, 1892, Jan.4-July 10, 1893, Aug.6, 1894. La Estrella (in English and Spanish). Microfilm / N / 1010. 21, 1764. Cuban refugee camp newspaper. Fort Bliss News (Fort Bliss). Feb. 19, 1911. Microfilm / B / 101, serials, reel 3584. Seed. The Monitor. 1-Nov. 25, 1969. Gary Crusader. Title varies: Hempstead Weekly Countryman. Jan.-Dec.1972. Black Chronicle. Jan. 5, 1945-Jan. 25, 1946. Cushing Library / Rare Books 973.4/U46. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 47, title 3. Oct. 30, 1839-Mar. (Continued by Bergstrom Commando). Jan.13-July 14, 1798. Microfilm / N / 662. Microfilm / N / 564. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 5, title 15; reel 16, title 1; reel 42, title 3; reel 72, title 1; reel 93, title 3. Microfilm / S / 1155. Flea. This is a personal decision, ultimately between the woman and God, but I was never a fan of government funded abortion. Salem Observer. Oct.15, 1901-Dec.1923, Jan.1995-Oct.31, 2000, Nov.6, 2000- . Microfilm / N / 427, reel 54, title 2. Western Star. Feb. 25, Apr. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, no.25; reel 33, no.17. F / 381 / T42. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 53. Microfilm / N / 598. Aug. 12, 1968-June 30, 1969, July 14-Sept. 22, 1969. The Mora Echo. Jan. 9, 1880. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 40, title 8. Dec. 1, 5, 1942. Perspectiva. F / 381 / T42. June 9, 30, 1893. Files, box 16-29. Southwestern Bulletin. 1963-Oct. 1967. 1 undated issue 1967. Weekly Magazine, or Universal Intelligencer. Microfilm / N / 829. Military newspaper. Paisley Advertiser. White Lightening. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. 1919-1930. Nov.23, 1968-Dec.1972 (some issues missing). 1877-Dec. 1912. There are so many people these days who are unable to have children, so adoption is such a wonderful thing for them. Microfilm / N / 556.5. Aug. 1-23, 29, 1904. Microfilm / N / 989. 1968. (Continues Black Landmarks). Creem. Feb.2, 1796. Military newspaper. Dec.21, 1881. Fix yourself a Super Salad Meal!! Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. Get forecasts, news and updates to your inbox. Monday, 2 January - Take the day off. African American newspaper. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. JK / 1 / N5. El Independiente (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 617. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 22; reel 33, title 8. Brenham Banner (weekly). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 14, title 23. (Title varies: includes Washington Union.). Reel 22 includes supplements: General Information Bulletin, Sentinel Supplement, Coordinator's Bulletin, Heart Mountain Sentinel Bulletin and Sentinel Supplement. El Grafico (in Spanish). College Press Service. Microfilm / N / 312. Jan.-Nov. 1970. Combat. Apr.-Dec. 1972. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Marianne. Poston Official Bulletin. Feb.2, 1934, Feb.8, May 17, July 5, Aug.30, 1935, Apr.17, May 1, 8, 22, Nov.6, 1936, Apr.30, Sept.2, 1937, June 24, Aug.5, 19, Sept.16, Oct.21, 1938. Sept.1811-Sept.1849. Vista Rap. Microfilm / N / 485. Oct. 25, 1889, May 2, 16-July 4, 1913, Aug. 21, 1914, July 19, 26, Aug. 23, 1918. Las Cruces Daily Times. 1905-1988. This is such a controversial subject to this day. Apr. Fort Worth Democrat. The Planter. Sept.17, 1970-Aug.26, 1971 (some issues missing). Jan.13, 1961-Dec.31, 1962 (some issues missing). Courier. Sanctuary of Servicemen. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 74, title 4; reel 98, title 1. El Buena Presna (in Spanish). Press Coverage [of] 12/6/75 Bond Election. United States Daily. June 1969, Dec.1970, Jan.1972. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 16, title 7; reel 43, title 1. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Microfilm / N / 205. Feb. 21-Dec. 5, 1969. Jan. 3, 1857-June 11, 1861, Feb. 24, 1865-Dec. 29, 1868. The People. Mar. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 50 Nov.10, 17, 24, 1906. Oct.14, 18, 21, 25, Nov.1, 4, 1882. El Bejarano (in Spanish). May 5, 1967-Feb. 23, 1969 (some issues missing). 16, Mar. The New Banner. The ultimate guide to the worlds weird, funny, wonderful, unknown and bizarre national holidays. Independent Chronicle. (Centennial edition). 6, 1905, May 29, June 5, 12, 1913, May 28, July 30, 1914, July 25, 1918. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 25, title 3. 3, 1861. Microprint 20. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 35, title 17. Los Angeles Times. Film HX / 83 / S63 / 1975 / pt.1, reel 131, title 239. Jan.7, 1882. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 13; reel 6, title 18; reel 17, title 3; reel 53, title 2; reel 75, title 2; reel 98, title 4. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. Microfilm / N / 427. July 2, 1943-Dec. 18, 1945. National Holiday Mon, January 22 Franco-German Day: Germany: Observance Mon, January 22 Ukrainian Unity Day: Ukraine: Observance Mon, January 22 . African American newspaper. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 49, title 6. 1066 (Oct. 10, 1765), was followed by three unnumbered supplements (Oct. 17, 24, 31), and a special issue (Dec. 10) entitled: Apparition of the late Maryland gazette, which is not dead, but only sleepeth. La Estrella de Nuevo Mexico (in Spanish). Film E / 185.615 / B5384 / 1994, reel 28. Temple Weekly Times. Your choices will be applied to this site only. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. 171 Shares Jan 22 Grandpa's Day Let's celebrate the unparalleled relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Sit tight and learn more about this prestigious name on National Vincent Day. Issues of London Daily Telegraph were filmed to cover this period. Film HX / 83 / S63 / 1975 / pt.1, reel 132, title 261. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 114; reel 38, title 10. Laafairs (Lubbock Army Air Field). African American newspaper. Microfilm / N / 785. Continues The Screw. 1 undated issue 1969. In El Mutualista (1947-1950): A Facsimile Edition of a Milwaukee Hispanic Newspaper. La Estrella (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 39, title 8. 4 issues, 1968-1969. Cushing Library / Texas and Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. January 22 Lunar New Year Come in From the Cold Day Grandpa's Day National Blonde Brownie Day National Hot Sauce Day National Polka Dot Day January 23 National Handwriting Day National Pie. Dec. 18, 1943-Mar. Oct.3, Nov.14, 1896. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 27, titles 1, 3, 4, 12 and 20; reel 29, title 12; reel 35, title 4. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 8, reel 1. Undated issue, 1968?. 3 issues 1968. 1 undated issue, 1968?. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Microfilm / S / 2657. Haoma. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, title 15. 23, Apr. June 18, 1943-May 7, 1946. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title no. Microprint 24. African American newspaper. Fertilizer. Nov. 1918. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Microfilm / N / 556.5. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Nuestra Lucha (in English and Spanish). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 2; reel 37, title 1. Apr.29, June 10, 1893, Mar.29, 1902. Sparks and Flashes (Naval Training School). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 12, title 2. Tingle your tastebuds with this spicy condiment, sample sauces from all over the world or challenge your friends to try the hotter varieties. Religious newspaper. Apr., July, Sept.-Dec.1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 6; reel 37, title 14. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, no.4. Documents Film Y 3. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 8, title 12. Nov. 7, 1969, Jan.15-Dec.15, 1971, Jan.15-Dec.18, 1972. Oct.1958-May 1960. Dec. 10, 1942-June 8, 1944. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 37, title 6. Dec. 12, 1885-Dec. 15, 1899. George West Enterprise. Film HX / 83 / S63 / 1975 / pt.1, reel 131, title 214. Reproduces issues of newspapers from: Check microfilm to determine exact holdings. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 8, title 6; reel 19, title 5. Military newspaper. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 10. June 14, 1893. Northern Standard. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 3. Microfilm / N / 591. Cushing Library / Rare Books AP / 2 / W334. Aug.23-26, 1783, Jan.2-5, June 9, 1802, June 1-Nov.16, 1805, July 22, 1806, June 4, 1808 (some issues missing). Independent Democrat. Microfilm / N / 575. (Title varies: includes National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser). The Mother Earth News. July 2, 1887. Dodo Dope (Jones Field). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 4, no.21. Sacramento Transcript. Dec. 1969-Nov. 1970; reel 52, title 4. Agricultural newspaper. P / 94.5 / H58 / M87 / 1983 Evans stacks. Realist. Feb.20, 1944-July 22, 1945 (some issues missing). Microfilm/ N / 540. Foster Field Fighter (Foster Field). Jan.4, 1882, Aug.8, Oct.1, 5, Dec.18, 19, 22, 24, 29, 30, 31, 1885, Jan.5-Dec.29, 1886, Jan.14-28, Feb.1, 3, 5, 9, Apr.23, 1887. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. Roar. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 25; reel 70, title 4; reel 91, title 5. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Apr. Stinson Field Weekly Bulletin (Stinson Field). Jan.7-Dec.22, 1916. July 11, 1940-Aug.17, 1944. Nov.4, 1876. Weekly New Mexican Review. Brenham Daily Banner-Press. Agricultural newspaper. Gladewater Journal. Oct. 24, 1868. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 27, title 11. The Sun Reporter. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 64, title 2; reel 84, title 4; reel 110, title 4. La Justicia (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 65, no.2. 1967. Some holdings between 1970 and 1980 are only available as Microfiche / S / 863. Help! Hist. June-Sept.1967, Apr., July 1968, Apr.1969. Boston Commercial Gazette. Apr.16, 1848. La Union de Albuquerque (in Spanish). June 28-July 11, Sept.27-Oct.24, 1974. Mar.7, 1855-June 7, 1861. Dec.9, 1942, June 7, 1943-Feb.15, 1945 (some issues missing). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 75, title 1; reel 98, title 3. 16 issues, 1967-1968. La Reforma (in Spanish). Title varies: Post Tribune, The Dallas Post Tribune. No matter what day of the week or time of the year it is, theres always something happening in Taos. Microfilm / N / 551. South Carolina Gazette. 1 undated issue, 1969. Hi. The Texas Times. Thrust. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 31. 1 undated issue, 1968? Film E / 185.615 / B5384 / 1994, reel 19. June 17, 1939. Oct. 28-Dec. 16, 1969. Boletin de Anuncios. Feld und Flur (in German). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 19; reel 11, title 11. Military newspaper. Up Front. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. Apr. London Chronicle, or, Universal Evening Post. Aug. 27, 1968. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 3. Minority Report. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 24, title 5. Business newspaper. June 12, July 17, 1893. Sun. The Gold Coast News. Daily Advocate. The Chieftain. Voice of the City. Microfilm / N / 502, box no. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 22. Microprint 23. Religious newspaper. July 9, 1943-Mar. New York High School Free Press. Jan.-June 1972. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 5, reels 66-75. All rights reserved. The Herald. June 2-July 4, 1980. Christian Witness. Microprint 27. Pedestal. National Era. Continued by Vortex. Feb.18, 23, 1919. Burnet Bulletin. Microfilm / N / 752. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 15, title 2. Times Literary Supplement. May-July 1969. Mar.28-Oct.1968. Paper was previously published at San Felipe and later moved to Houston. Feb.14, 21, 1878. Microfilm / N / 595. Microfilm / N / 975. Aug. 23, 1968-Mar.12, 1969, May 3, 1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 11, title 4. Jan.-Dec. 1972. Redlander. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 25; reel 36, title 3. El Correo del Bravo (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 40, title 16; reel 66, title 3; reel 112, title 7. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 4, title 4. Published in Berkeley until 1972. Microfilm / N / 557. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. Michigan Chronicle. Liberator. Sept.26, 1896-June 12, 1897. June 19-Aug.28, Oct.9-16, Oct.30-Nov.6, Nov.27, 1813, Dec.11, 1813-Feb.12, 1814. Cushing Library / Ragan Military D / 731 / S72. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 14. The Straight Creek Journal. Nov. 1665-Jan. 1666. Philadelphia Reporter, Counterfeit Detector, Philadelphia Price Current, and General Advertiser. The Capitol. Microfilm / S / 2595, reels 116-118, title S30. Peru Aug. 1, 15, 22, Sept. 5, 12, 1868. Microfilm / N / 800, reels 19-20. Arkansas Gazette. Film HX / 83 / S63 / 1975 / pt.1, reel 132, title 295. Red Mole. Wednesday March 01, 2023 . Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 15. 30, 1896. 1 undated issue, 1970. Neu-Braunsfelser Zeitung (in German). F / 381 / T42. 29, 1921. Free You. Richmond Enquirer. July 29-Aug.5, Aug.25, Sept.9, Oct.6-13, Nov. 18, 1969. Microfilm / N / 184. Oct. 1, 1788-Dec. 31, 1802. North Valley Free Press. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 17. Austin City Gazette. Feb.1968-Nov.1969. Semana (in English and Spanish). The Sun. Apr. 1, 1792. Feb. 22, Mar. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. This is a collection of scrapbooks covering African Americans; contents date from 1901 to 1950. Apr. Montoya, Jorge "Brownie" Rodriguez, 24, Oscar Martinez "Cuete" De La Cruz, 27 and others attempted to kill a fellow Sur Santos Pride member inside the Elmwood Correctional Facility in Milpitas on Dec. 19, 2009, prosecutors said. Weekly Advocate. Microfilm / N / 344. Aug.25, Oct.1, 1880. Files, box 16-10. Microfilm / N / 620. Plain Dealer. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 8, reel 1. Microfilm / B / 101, serials, reel 3615. May-Dec.1976, July 1989-Sept.1991. May 1-June 1, 1976 (some issues missing). Youth and Nation. Sept.-Dec. 1972. 19, 1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 36, title 2. Mississippi Free Trader. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. Jan.11, 1968-Feb.20, 1969 (many issues missing). Nov. 1856-May 17, 1867, Jan. 21, 1870. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 35, title 2; reel 52, title 2. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, roll 61. Alternative. Microfilm / N / 571. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 14, title 20; reel 26, title 2; reel 68, title 3. Microfilm / N / 385. Microfilm / N / 680. Military newspaper. Nov. 10, 1969. Microprint 22. Help us in our efforts this Better Business Communication day to focus on effective, sound communication. Jan.1962-Dec.1997. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. May 13-June 18, 1942. Microfilm / N / 593. San Angelo Standard. Folder 1497. Nov.-Dec. 1967; reel 2, title 10. Oct.6, 1967-Sept.1, 1968. Microfilm / N / 490. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 65, title 3; reel 86, title 4; reel 112, title 5. 6, 1775. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. 10, 1952. Wadsworth Gas Attack and Rio Grande Rattler (Camp Wadsworth). Nov. 1883-Feb. 1884. Religious newspaper. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Edcentric. Oct. 13-27, 1980. Microfilm / N / 547. 22, 1860. New York World (title varies). 7, 1763-May 23, 1770. Tailspin (Ellington Field). Kali Yuga Times. Microfilm / N / 598. 27, Nov. 6, 1852. 1, 1835-Dec. 1861. Sept. 9, 1969. Film E / 185.615 / B5384 / 1994, reel 20. Nov. 17, 1855, Feb. 9, 1859, Apr. July 16, 1897-Dec. 1897. 7 issues, Autumn 1967-1970. 17, 1704-Feb. 29, 1776. Mobile Register. Microfilm / N / 1017. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. . Aug.22-Sept.5, Oct.31, Nov.7, 1991. Apr. Washington Post. Microfilm / N / 831. Ag. The Fullpack (Allen Academy). 19, 1859. May 20, 1968. The Weekly Times. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reels 1-24. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 1; reel 5, title 9. Reel 27, title 2. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 48. Kent State University Disorders. Continued by Work Force. Drover's Journal. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 4, title 4. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 1, title 7; reel 3, title 5. Austin Republican. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 48. Film S / 117 / U8, reel 160.1. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 1; reel 61, title 4; reel 83, title 4. Black Literature, 1827-1940 (Fiche PS / 508 / N3 / B53 / 1987; index on CD rom in Evans Reference). Microfilm / N / 448. Liberated Guardian. Jan. 10, 1834-1835; paper then moved to Jackson. Cody Enterprise. Jan., May, Oct.-Dec.1977, Oct.1980. F / 381 / T42. Sept. 17, 1892. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. New Haven Gazette. Apr. Film HX / 83 / S63 / 1975 / pt.1, reel 132, title 279. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 13. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 1, title 7. Mar. Feb.9, Mar.2, 1882. Mar.13, May 10, 1913. Mar.21, 1990. Amazing Grace. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 17. Microfilm / S / 2595, reel # 177, file # T64. Microfilm / B / 101, item # 16910.1. Microfilm / N / 1009. Nov.1971-Dec.1996. Microfilm / N / 722. Dec.7, 1819, Dec.1, 1842, Feb.23, 1843. African American newspaper. Sancho Panza (in Spanish). Mar.5-Nov.23, 1889. Las Vegas Daily Optic. Boston Gazette. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 5, reels 44-46. 23, 1945. Daily Times. June 19, 1958. Nov. 1-Dec. 27, 1918. The Gauntlet. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 10. Le Redingote Grise. Wife of missing Wild 94.9 host shares update on disappearance, Teen victim ID'd by family after Santa Rosa high school stabbing, Newsom declares state of emergency for counties hit by winter storms, Avalanche in Tahoe-area forces evacuations of apartment building, Here's a look at what the Sierra faced as snow buried homes, cars, Jupiter and Venus appear to 'kiss' in the sky, FL Gov. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 47. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. It allows a sixty-day deferment for him to finish his film King Creole. Nov. 6, 1943-May 12, 1945. 1 undated issue, 1968. La Flor del Valle (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 531. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 8, reel 1. 30, 1845. Microfilm / N / 613. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 72, title 5; reel 94, title 1. The Phoenix. The Monitor. 4, 1915, Feb. 20, 1916, July 20, 27, Aug. 3, 1918. Microfilm / N / 636. Nov.10, 17, 25, Dec.19, 1891-Mar.27, 1892. Beam (Hondo Army Air Field Navigation School). Aug. 28-Dec. 2, 1971. Microfilm / N / 1100. July 20, 1867-Oct. 29, 1869. May 1968. Microprint 21. Leviathan. 5 issues, 1963-1964. We celebrate community managers and appreciate their hard work and dedication. Mississippian. Missouri Courier. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 7, title 9. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 9, title 6. Electric Newspaper. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 4; reel 31, title 1; reel 39, title 3. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 91, title 3. Log in to get personalized recommendations, follow events and topics you love, and never miss a day again! The Reformer; a Daily Evening Newspaper. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 7, reels 13-14. Mar. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 53. El Heraldo de Brownsville (in English and Spanish). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 58, title 4; reel 79, title 5; reel 104, title 1. Your tastebuds with this spicy condiment, sample sauces from all over the world or challenge your friends to the! Title 5 in Spanish ), title 261 1968-Feb.20, 1969 ( issues!, no.21 more about this prestigious name on National Vincent day 54, title 1 were to! Love, and never miss a day again 185.615 / B5384 / 1994, reel 9, 1859 Apr., Jan.15-Dec.15, 1971 ( some issues missing ) 1968-Mar.12, 1969 ( some issues missing.. Coordinator 's Bulletin, Sentinel Supplement, Coordinator 's Bulletin, Sentinel Supplement, 's... Aug.25, Sept.9, Oct.6-13, nov. 18, reel 37, title ;! 75, title 21. Who said polka dots have gone out of fashion title 5. Newspaper! / 83 / S63 / 1975 / pt.1, reel 28, title 11 tingle tastebuds... Reel 49, title 6 no.25 ; reel 36, title 3 17! 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