knights templar symbols in america

Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page books, 2007. My Grandmother was Dorthy Standish and I am related to Myles Standish of the Mayflower. This specific glyph is helpful in the verification of a runic inscription. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. Banners of Royal Arch Masonry. Photo source . In the year 1118 AD King Baldwin II granted the Templars quarters on the Temple Mount and this forms the link to the Royal Arch. Some say that Henry Sinclair, and the men that accompanied him, were the first to discover North America almost 100 years before Christopher Columbus ever set foot. It is assumed that Prince Henry Sinclair was involved in the building of the Newport Tower. It is highly unlikely to have been known to a hoaxer and it appears on a few artifacts. We have collected a number of stories from old literature and from Indian elders are and are following a number of clues that leads us to a particular valley that is so congested with brush and poison ivy, that our pace in cutting through it has been very slow. These kind of conditions argue strongly against the possibility of a hoax. They were the founders of the Knight Templar and survived its destruction during the 14th century. It was used as the sigil of the Tribe of Judah. The X was a symbol of the balance and duality of woman and man, and heaven and earth. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, The Irish Story and Legend of C Chulainn, Aluxes: The Mischievous Little People of Maya Mythology, The Curious Apparitions of Pagan Goddesses to the German Knights Templar, The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend Part I, 3: The Perfect Number - Trinity Symbolism in World Religious Traditions, Translation of 5,500-Year-Old Babel Text from China Reveals Oldest Known Map of Inner Solar System, The Gristhorpe Man: A Bronze Age Skeleton with a Story to Tell, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, Medieval Hygiene Might Have Been Better Than You Think, New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC. I take my familys history seriously and I am always looking to further the family tree, backed by evidence and records from Europe and other resources. Compared to the gathered samples of slate gravestones from Maine, these show that biotite mica starts mechanically flaking off the surfaces after 197 years. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Save from evil. Engraved on the side of the stone were the words, There are 10 men by the sea to look after our ships 14 days journey from this island. THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TREASURE | MY FAMILYS INVOLVEMENT WITH THE TREASURE, THE BACKSTORY OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TREASURE. According to the latter, the stones are proof of a widespread Viking presence in North America from the 14 th-15th century. Indeed, analysing and authenticating Norse runic inscriptions poses many challenges, due to the variations in scripts over the ages, and proponents of the stones authenticity have argued that Haugen was locked into just one of the many runic scripts that were in existence. Masonic Symbols. Taking its name from the biblical character of Moses, the organization offered illness, death, and burial insurance to African . It was, however, actually left there by the Knights Templar instead of the Norsemen. The theory assumes the Holy Grail has been misidentified for generations as a physical cup in which Christs blood was collected during his crucifixion. The discoveries were publicized shortly after in The Ruins of Greater Ireland and New England by Meador Press in 1946. n.d. The Knights Templar was a large organization of devout Christians during the medieval era who carried out an important mission: to protect European travelers pxhere (Public Domain) Knights were the most-feared and best-protected warriors on the medieval battlefield, while off it, they were amongst the most fashionably dressed and best-mannered members of society. If there's a purpose in concealing the truth of Christ's marriage or not being married, it will be revealed when it is meant to be. Evidently a very long time ago, along riverways going toward Ohmans farm, the 14th-century seafarers were noted to favor triangular mooring holes. They started out as small band of mercenary soldiers and by the time they were disbanded in 1312, just short of two hundred years later, they had became hugely rich from trade and banking within Christendom. Knights were also not allowed to retreat or stop fighting while the Beauceant was flying. Symbolic Meaning of Lions. Futhermore, also mentioned by Charpentier in his book for the first time, Templars built the town of La Rochelle and had a triple barrier of "commanderies" set around the newly formed port. Templar graves could be seen engraved with swords and the cavalry cross. What occurred after? King, Charles W. The Abraxas Religion. 6. A Bit of Backstory - The First Crusade It is popularly believed that the crusaders were . To reach this elevated position, however, became more and more challenging as the Middle Ages wore on because the elite . Others theorize that it originated with the birth and initial poverty of the Templar Order, but this would fly in the face of the Rule of the Order which established the number of horses allocated to knights (according to their rank and position) and which also prohibited the sharing of the same horse. The answer to this questions is in the "Gospel of Judas" which is older than believed. According to her research, it tells of a sudden storm and fearful Vikings trying to save their ship from "the foamy arms of Aegir, angry god of the sea." As the story goes, Henry Sinclair believed their story and also that these fishermen knew how to get to the New World. Early 21st century technology firmly established Prof. Winchells conclusion that the artifact was indeed authentically pre-Columbian. The colors of the Beauceant also remind us to be good and true to our friends and terrify the. A few that I will discuss in this article are the Newport Tower, Westford Knight cemetery, and tunnels and caves. He conducted the first detailed physical analysis since Winchells research 90 years before. Later, a similar color was used on the banner of the Prussian kingdom; several . I hope to hear from you. Wolter gave us the Kensington Rune Stone amoung other, linked finds. I started looking into my own family tree about 11 years ago. 16. The Templars may have also chosen this symbol as a remembrance of those words spoken by their early champion, Bernard of Clairvaux, who described them as ferocious lions. He ultimately clearly discerned the depicted outline of a broadsword which, according to historian Michael Kaulback, was identified by British antiquarians as a big wheel pommel blade of the 14th or 13th century. Historical writings and modern scholars have drawn parallels between Abraxas and Mithras of Persia as well as beliefs found in Hinduism. The official seal of the Grand Master was closely guarded in the Treasury under the protection of the Commander of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and could only be accessed by a select few. These were used to relocate the exact position of the buried stone. The map depicted on one of the stones. This symbol was approved in 1147 by Pope Eugenius III. Answer (1 of 6): The Knights Templar were founded in 1119. In autumn 2019, I spent three months in France. The seal recognises the humble, but noble origins of the Order. Upholding the ageless ideals of Chivalry and Christian religious commitment and protection, Crusade historical research, and fighting today's enemies of disease and social distress through charitable efforts and fundraising. Even though there are a few different stories and theories of where they sailed, there has been evidence to suggest that those 12 ships landed on the newfound land of natives a new world full of different cultures that had no knowledge of the Knights Templar, God, and the power of Europe. Newell, Barry. I think the most important thing I can do is to continue to research, learn, and document as many records as I can so I can share the stories with my children, and they can tell their children and so on, which brings me to the actual point of this story, the Sinclair family history. There Wolter had taken around 1,700 images of them from 2006 to 2007. 44min. Sort by: Most popular. 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It is established that in 1118 nine French knights gave the Patriarch of Jerusalem a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience. Heart in Hand. If revealed as members of the divine bloodline, he theorized, their claim to power would rival those of the church and monarchy. I have learned so much and have over a hundred treasure sites that Ive been researching since the age of 18. Take care! Dry conditions started to increase in the beginning of the 16th century, transfiguring the regional landscapes into marsh and swamps. The head of this community, combining public service with severe . He convinced the fishermen (now known to be the Zeno Brothers), to accompany him, and the 12 ships back to North America. As I mentioned before, many believe that Henry Sinclair the 1st was the first to discover the New World nearly a century before Christopher Columbus. Coat of arms Knights Templar is the black and white background with a traditional red cross in the middle. Image source . A Brief History of the Medieval Knights Templar. 9. He wrote (and I citing from memory) the Templars were compose in large part by Normand knights. In this way, people can respond in like. This Knights history and meaning is up in the air and many people still question its involvement with Henry Sinclair and the Knights Templar. 1. Sort by: Most popular. July 12, 2011. No longer used among Knights Templars, this velvet apron has become highly sought after by Sir Knights and collectors. This ruined Ohmans life in a time when a mans word was truly his bond. I would like to form a team of specialists that can join with me to hunt for not only the lost history and clues, but for the treasure itself! 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, Mount Hua Trail: Where 100 People Plummet to Their Deaths Every Year. No one knows the origins of Abraxas and the relics associated with him. @2021 OPCCTS - The Knight Knights Templar of North America | PO Box 7634, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657. bottom of page . Another thing, La Rochelle is in the middle of coastal France, far from English coast and far from Spanish coat, however on the direct line towards the American coasts. Ivar the Boneless was likely the son of legendary Viking king Ragnar Lothbrok, and raided alongside his father and brothers, eventually becoming ruler of York in England in the 9th century AD. 8. All Rights Reserved. you made running a blog glance easy. January 29, 2014 2:17 PM EST. Some believe this symbol goes back much farther to ancient Sumeria which was thought to represent a tactical device during battle, but also symbolic of duality and balance. A few amateur archaeologists had their own doubts, and questioned if other local proof may support the rune stones truth. A short walking distance from the Westford Knight, the JV Fletcher Library shows a 300-pound glacial granite boulder with a picture of a sailing vessel in the company of three gyphs and an arrow. There are reports of tunnels and caves found in North America; man-made tunnels that show tool marks and are full of symbols that could be linked to the Templars. The hook that is in the X symbolized the offspring or children, representing the continuance of the Goddess belief through common thought and bloodlines. To correct some misconceptions: * Philip the Fair didn't "crush" the Knights Templar. Fleur-de-lis Meaning. Like their predecessors, the Knights Templar cast themselves as a "self-defense" movement engaged in a struggle with Mexico's larger criminal cartels on behalf of the Michaocan population, and frequently employ religious imagery in their public communiques. All things will eventually come to light. It was oddly oriented with east at the top and north to the left; this is something a forger would have not been likely to do. Stucco was added in the 1200s, and is featured in Orkney and Shetland. I made a point to visit some Templar sites both well known and off the beaten path. The Newport Tower found in Rhode Island is protected and is in great condition today. The effigy of William Marshall the 1st Earl of Pembroke is shown with his feet resting on a Standing Dog, his pillow is a water pitcher this perfectly describes the place of the treasure, The same story is told in the Church of St Marys in the village of Aldworth near Newbury where the nine stone effigies are known as the Aldworth Giants; also in the Classical Monuments at Shugborough Hall and in the Danse Macabre figures In Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland All of the treasures have lain undisturbed since the early twelfth century. It is a beautiful piece, the black velvet a symbol . Wolter has explained the hooked X was a symbol that was important and likely made by the Cistercian monks. Like many organizations, the Templars were known to employ a variety of symbols for various purposes such as official seals, shield ornamentation, and gravestones, but there never existed a single symbol that was used during the entire existence of the medieval order. Wolter has theorised that the hooked X combines the upside-down V representing the male gender, the right-side-up V representing the female gender, and a small V on the top right arm representing a small female offspring. Photo source . enemies of Christ. Have your say in our news democracy. The hooked X . n.d. The poor translation of that particular Gospel had "specialists" convinced that it was written long after Yesuah ben Josef's death. The Crown and the Cross. These archaeologists have all been programmed [to believe the stones are fakes] and they cant think outside the box, said Wolter. The first writer who pointed that out was Louis Charpentier in his 1967 book "Les Mysteres Templiers". Yet around 100 years later, more discoveries have proved the stele was actually the real McCoy. He was accompanied by his brothers of God-the Knights Templars, and others that were equally loyal to the cause of hiding the treasure so that no man would ever find it. The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon ( Latin: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Salomonici ), also known as the Order of Solomon's Temple, the Knights Templar, or simply the Templars, was a Catholic military order, one of the most wealthy and popular military orders in Western Christianity. Much like the Roslin Chapel, the New Port Tower is believed to hold secrets as well. The carving of hands with a heart superimposed on a palm is a peculiar symbol found in the cells of Templars. While not conclusive, it leads to a belief of influence by Gnostic and Eastern beliefs that the Templars may have encountered in their travels. Because the same symbol can be found on purportedly runic carvings famously discovered on stones in Narragansett and Kensington, the prevailing academic theory is that all the inscriptions are fakes, with carvers of the more recently discovered New England stones using the 1898 Kensington Rune Stone as their source material. Carlson dismissed Haugens claim the stones were covered in gibberish, saying he based that determination on an assumption it was Norse language circa 1010. The ceremony is based on the movement of the Knights Hospitaller from their inception in Jerusalem, to their settling on the Island of Malta in 1522 (having travelled via Palestine and Rhodes), where they would remain in control for some 270 years. 20. It was not until 1937 when they stated doing hydrological studies that it was cocluded for the state of Minnesota that the area where the stone was discovered was flooded with lakes and streams during the 14th century, as well as the 500 years before that. While Sue Carlson dismisses Wolters Knights Templar theory as outrageous, they do at least agree on one thing, and that is that the Spirit Pond stones have been unfairly treated since their discovery and at the very least deserve more objective research. The history that has yet to be discovered is so complex that if a modern-day treasure hunter could have the resources to research and follow the clues, they could discover more than he or she thought possible. The Lion. Now lets can talk about the richest treasure known to man, the one that is too vast and powerful for any one man, the treasure of the Knights Templar. Knights Templar in America: With Justin Fornal, Emiliano Ruprah. Symbols of Royal Arch Masonry, Part 2. The Newport Tower was laid out in the Norwegian short alen, so it was not created by the 17th-century colonists. The head of this community, combining public service with severe military . Although it is an interesting symbol, the use of this seal does not mean that the Templar Order was a Gnostic one. Minor infractions were . Subsequently, the stones found their way to Einar Haugen, Harvard professor of Scandinavian languages and history. The author of this revisionist book is a professional geologist and not a historian. And on Friday the 13th, he had some of the Templars arrested for it. Last but not least, a few more Clans worth mentioning are the Clan Douglas of East-Lothian, Scotland who was one of the most powerful families, the Clan McGregor of Lanarkshire, Scotland of whom Rob Roy MacGregor belonged to and became the subject of the Hollywood film Rob Roy in 1995. Yet one word in that Gospel was not translated and could very well be the proof of Yesuah's manhood rather than godhood. At Santa Maria Olival in Portugal, the Pentagram is very clearly evident at the end of the nave. There is no doubt that everyone that knows me would agree that one of my biggest passions in life is historical treasure hunting. The mysterious stones measure about six by eleven inches. Anyway, when Mexico took control of this area in 1830, the Spanish hid the mines by caving them in, hoping that Spain would retake this territory at a later time. n.d. Knight Templar apron and sash, 1790-1830, unidentified maker, United States. Knights Templar. Winchell concluded there was immense support for an actual rune stone dating back to 1362. Importantly, as the first copies of The Hooked X were published by the press, every word the author wrote was being underscored by Rene Larsen, who was rector of the School of Consercation located at the Royal Danish Academy of the Fine Arts. Wow, fantastic weblog layout! Wolter then studied and copied the rune stone from the first geologic report released in 1910. It has been dated back to the late Middle Ages, and this is helping to create not only the truth of the stone, but the time the particular rune was made. Templar's Meele weapon. Browse 216 knights templar symbols stock illustrations and vector graphics available royalty-free, or start a new search to explore more great stock images and vector art. I have been hunting treasures and lost history for over 20 years. American Knights Templar wore regalia beginning in at least the late 1790s, but it was governed only by loose traditions until the late 1850s. August 14, 2012. It was first used around the 11th century and then continued to spread in use throughout the Middle Ages. Ive been investigating my family history for over 11 years. There is one story I found of an unknown fisherman and his brother that showed up in Orkney Scotland, after 12 years of being missing in action. The test he had done marked Ohmans version of events. 5. Lamb of God. Crusade for America! The lily from the retired state of its pedals symbolizes that it is a symbol of peace and purity, but is also said to symbolize light, faith, wisdom, and chivalry. "John 1:29." The most popular symbol image associated with the medieval Knights Templar is the image of two knights upon one horse. This shows how the Knights Templar is founded on Christian principles and symbolism. Little is known of this House, and the original structure is lost. They were put into the Main State Museum located at Hallowell. This symbol is symbolic of charity as well as mercy. Thats how I got into treasure hunting or what I like to call, Historical Treasure Hunting. However, most don't know that the embossed face of an Oreo cookie actually (well, according to the internet) contains a hidden symbol of the Knights Templar. These artifacts have turned into something invaluable for the validation of their pre- Columbian origins, all because of an professional geologist and accredited scientist. On Christian principles and symbolism was first used around the 11th century and then to... Point to visit some Templar sites both well known and off the path... In Portugal, the BACKSTORY of the 16th century, transfiguring the regional landscapes into marsh and swamps me! Of Greater Ireland and New England by Meador Press in 1946. n.d. http: // TREASURE.... Modern scholars have drawn parallels between Abraxas and the cavalry cross Island is protected and is featured Orkney! Us the Kensington rune stone amoung other, linked finds said wolter were compose large! 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knights templar symbols in america