mark kishon christopher

I saw a video about this on James red pills America it was fascinating . Web:sad, mark-kishon: christopher-publishes in his seminars/ broadcasts/facebook with his public-closures against the global-postal-system-corporate-business-structures-treaty-methods &: doesn't-comprehend-business-structures. By Mark-kishon :Christopher. :[E]vidence =, : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. :VIMEO-CHANNEL =, [: Funneling of the people/harvest is with the Facebook-website &: selling-copyright-contracts within their personnel-chat-rooms &: [e]mail-contacts with this platform. :YOUTUBE-CHANNEL-LINK =, (Mark Kishon Christopher UK) (Took a few classes from Chief & Dave Miller. 5: How to Write your Contracts and Claims Part 2. I was told this disease can never be reversed and itll lead to my fatality. Are you saying that he doesnt detach from the name/burth certificate system? THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGHSHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. WebCome and learn how to overcome the Tricks and Traps of the Modern World. Show more : David-Wynn: Miller-BOOK:(CAUTION = website selling book that has many TRAPS FOR YOUR HARVESTING.). I trained under the chief-federal-postal-court-judge :David-wynn: Miller, and inherited his role to do the things that he used to do before he passed away. If the general public are asking themselves what do I mean by jurisdiction over any corporation and governments, what this means is that if any government, institution, corporation that has not given you a dictionary, or a correct language performance with its letters, its legalities, its laws, or its claims, has fully violated the basic rules of communication. This is the Age of Aquarius - All things hidden are becoming known. 17. 13th October 2022. 1.1 You think I am joking? Providing Information that has been hidden, deliberately for many years. [Caution for those following fiction Quantum Grammar websites, Facebook & other similar online groups, or paying for products from Fraudulent/Fake actors.] "], ["If the general public are asking themselves what is jurisdiction over any corporation and governments, this means that if any government, institution, corporation that has not given you a dictionary, or a correct language performance with its letters, legalities, laws, or claims they have fully violated the basic rules of communication. Launch Your Complaint Here / Members Date: 23rd ~ March 1, 2023, An INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL OBLIGATION LIEN (INDICTMENT) has been filed Breaking News!!! Videos featuring Mark Kishon Christopher, aka Mark Curable are currently being plugged on GOODF. 2.37K 20 [" With your support as Patrons, the Federal-Postal-Court will be able to put these people in Prison. These presentations are in a raw format due to the nature of the webinars. has ordered the capture of many of the Worlds leaders, ex-leaders and co-conspirators such as George Bush, Henry Kissenger, Barak Obama, Hilery & Bill Clinton, Boris Johnson, Bill Gates, Dr Fauci, and Joe Binden We are talking War crimes, genocide, fraud against the people. 0. Since claiming one's birth-right-contract is involved, I do remember conversations with Ronald Bernard, where he talked about our birth-certificates used as assets on the stock market. [IS= JASON-MATTHEW: GLASS] [USA] followed by this: 12. Stew Peters Show: Dr. Judy Mikovits EXCLUSIVE! Depopulation Agenda DESTROYED ! As per the official site, the services are provided by Mark-Kishon Christopher, who is the Chief Federal Postal Court Judge. I do not think I will understand why they had such evil intent and spirit. THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGH SHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. "], [" I have studied many different areas of psychology, science, medicines etc. He was organiser and key speaker at this event, another speaker was one Reverend Richard Sharpe. As you can see your help has a great deal of Power and Effectiveness, never underestimate your ability to further the cause. Judicial Notice - Verified. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In 2014 I received an email from Mark Kishon Christopher of the Genesis II Church, see screenshots below. These are the details of the ownership of this Website researched by one of my Student. WebEmail address: The investment of this life changing training is 7449 Great British Pounds. These calls do not form part of the separate units! :QUANTUM-GRAMMAR-CHANNEL: (YOUTUBE. This sinks it. shared through many hours of webinar footage for each training session. TO ELIMINATEYOUR DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES, & DEBTS. Folks, this is the safest and best way not to fall in to the trap of lies and deception. That is action in real time creating a better reality. Want to know, God's Bank Account. "Can you imagine living a life without a mortgage in just 3 months? Watch out for Scammers, Trolls in the Comments Section with my Image - Thats not me. The Most In-depth Interview till date with: Mark-kishon: Christopher. only 1% of the planets population are conscious of. This is the Age of Aquarius - All things hidden are becoming known. Fake or Fiction Names: (Notice below: Lady Crown is a made-up name on a proclamation (not a legal name.) I am a chief-federal-postal-court-judge and my jurisdiction runs over any governments, courts and corporations. It is gaged as being an extreme toxic narc. He told the audience that he can "disqualify" the Cancer Act. 1. For my knowledge of the Name & Shame is with this Claim. By Mark Kishon Christopher. "]. : Copy-right/copy-claim. As long as I am here to give up to date content. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The Chief faced months of impisonment and torture to give up the claim of the American 1 to 1.19 title flag, that he captured in 1999 at the end of the 70 year bankrupcy. ~6: Jenny-Robins: Sullivan. Today more than ever with the threat of forced medical treatment, tests, mask wearing and restriction of travel, we must learn to control our lives, our space and our movement. "]. DM me for info" Global Joined October 2019 150 Following 2,282 Followers Tweets & replies Media Likes :Mark-kishon: Christopher. What can " Postmaster General :Russell-Jay:Gould " show us he has ever made happen in the real world, not his Narnia on paper? : Mark-kishon: Christopher. If any citizens of the world launch a complaint with me then I will also have jurisdiction. When I began to publicise my findings, through my book, The Diseases of Affluence, I found televisions stations, newspapers, corporations came to attack me in the global mass media. Documentation for the Judicial Service Processing. If you are wondering what is fictitious conveyance of language, it is another way of saying poison pen letters, cyber bullying, mud slinging etc. @KishonMark "My mission is to eliminate mortgages and debts from people's lives." This mass media failed in every efforts to silence me. The advertised ten days of darkness may well begin on Wed. April 1 10 (which is Good Friday) which may be why Trump has stated Easter to be an very important day on Earth this year., +44 7340 891010, [emailprotected], : FACEBOOK-SITE=,, :YOUTUBE-CHANNEL-LINK=, IN THE YouTube-Video=October 2017 with the David-Wynn: Miller gives Book selling permission he did not have!, ~10: Ramola-D Reports [interviews with Lady Crown], ~11:Ricardo: Marseille. : Violation of the false-claims is with the claiming-open-source-salvage of his own-terms with the Quantum-Grammar-words of the void-credit-COPYCLAIM/COPYRIGHT with the Russell-Jay: Goulds-Quantum-Grammar-COPYRIGHTS by the Jason-Matthew: Glasss-video-performances. IN THE YouTube-Video=October 2017 with the David-Wynn: Miller gives Book selling permission he did not have!, [PARTNER IN THE CRIME WITH THE MATTHEW-JASON: GLASS. : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. Also a Reverend Mark Kishon Christopher of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing and a pusher of the same Is Crop Circle Complexity Rising with Human Consciousness? with your Passport & Driving License - Why you must have a Sea-Pass. 'Home' :Copy-right/copy-claim. [" 1. Nom de-Guerre Signatures (Deadman fiction cursive signatures indicative still under birth certificate or witchcraft-usury.)]5. The length and breadth of this one opening sentence. Most big websites do this too. THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGHSHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. By Mark-kishon :Christopher. I have studied many different areas of psychology, science, medicines etc. : 33.7-subscribers. As a bonus, you will have time with me through two 30-minute Zoom calls, to talk over whatever you wish within the first year. Web'About Me' | MKchristopher START HERE TO ELIMINATE YOUR DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES, & DEBTS. (Chief is the sole shareholder to the technology since Dave Miller surrendered the flag and since passed away).3. 9. WebMark Kishon Christopher is Lying - :DAVID-WYNN: MILLER's PARSE SYNTAX GRAMMAR STUDY GUIDE :Leon: Edwards. To confirm payment of fees, send me your BitCoin sender's address. I will point out a few things from what you said, its all about time jurisdiction, Russell writes his contracts in a now-space senario which on paper puts him in a different jurisdiction to the legal system using past/future tense. : Purple-Thumb-Community: Caution: Purple-Thumb-Community-Leaders, Are, Fraud &: Wrong-Leading: Good-People, Dont-be-fool[ed] by their Wrong-Leading, Theyve-Got: Void-Joinder with the Quantum-Grammar, Flag &: Correct-Quantum-Corporate-Structure, This: IS-NOT: OPEN-SOURCE-MATERIAL, ITS: COPYRIGHT/PATENT-MATERIAL. He was organiser and key speaker at this event, another speaker was one Reverend Richard Sharpe. by littleFred Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:50 am. "Can you imagine living a life without a mortgage in just 3 months? He disqualified the Bureau of Weights and Measures and all previous fraudulent conveyances of facts, he disqualified all five global stock markets and holds the patents for the now-space-grammar-flag as well as the quantumized grammar and global quantium banking system, which was created using this perfect language to free the people from the birth certificate dead debtor system. Furthermore, clients get assistance in eliminating any issues related to mortgages and debts related to domestic and In 2014 I received an email from Mark Kishon Christopher of the Genesis II Church, see screenshots below. This man is being heavily suppressed because he literally has all the Please note: All my cases are won using first hand knowledge and not theory. 18. How Hypnosis Work. THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGHSHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. Most people on first encounter with it experience a cringe factor. This information is monumentally powerful., : [E]vidence=, ~8:Jason-Paul: Greaves. Only once I qualify that this training will suit your needs. I would agree that using this technology is potentially dangerous without full knowledge of the construct as well as the legal/lawful system. This is the Age of Aquarius - All things hidden are becoming known. = Name on the YouTube-Channel. The Most In-depth Interview till date with: Mark-kishon: Christopher. "], ["I am professional in everything I do. She purports to sell David-wynn Miller's book and at the same time slandering him. Folks, this is the safest and best way not to fall in to the trap of lies and deception. He has claimed the post office that does make him what he says he is. 0. TO ELIMINATEYOUR DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES, & DEBTS. On behalf of all the people on planet earth I want to say a very big thank you in gratitude for your truth your courage and your action which is HUGE! Being a Tricks & Traps student will give considerable savings. and accept you as my student after the Zoom Appointment. Over 28 hours of recorded webinar footage to study at your own pace. 'Home' :Copy-right/copy-claim. There is so much that we Know nothing of but thank God that Russel-Jay stepped in and took over the post office in that short time line available wow! How to Overcome the Tricks & Traps of the. Anyhow, very good blog! WebMark Kishon Christopher is on Facebook. The more this practice comes to light, the more we'll grasp the beauty and value of our sovereignty. TO ELIMINATEYOUR DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES, & DEBTS. How deep is the rabbit hole that ends at evidence of the Grand Wizards' magic to make profit from almost everything? you will be given details on how to transfer your Fees.. ], ~14: Vincent-B: Galindo. Part 2 of 2. For those that are already on board with Russells construct, this message will resonate as a call to arms, that the power is now in our hands.. We are talking about a modern day Django Unchained going on here.. Let me spell it out to you, Commander & Chief Postmaster General of our World :Russell-Jay: Gould. We now have to take physical action to remove these people from power and begin to exchanged corrupt people for decent people to make it real in real time . "], ["The job of the chief-federal-postal-court-judges is to stop and correct all misleading statements, false and fictitious conveyance of language. DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCYEACH STATE GOVERNORS OFFICE, SINCE THEY EVERY STATE FAILED TO AUTHORIZE THEIR OWN COMMERCE BY THE YEAR-2001, 2-YEAR MARITIME SALVAGE-COMMERCE-PACTS WORLDWIDE, WHEN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY-CHARTERS: THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, BILL OF RIGHTS-ENDED-1999-POSTAL-SEISINS-COMPLETE. Individual Units or Modules from my larger Tricks and Traps Course. The full story can be heard on the Last-Flag-Standing documentary or on the War Castles youtube channel. [TEACHING INCORRECTLY HAS LED TO JAIL-TIME, MONEY-STOLEN & WORSE.] Why do I do, the things that I do? In 2014 I received an email from Mark Kishon Christopher of the Genesis II Church, see screenshots below. 8: How Contracts Work - How to make a Joinder. that I personally authorise with my Seal and Autograph. Decide which cookies you want to allow.You can change these settings at any time. Terms and Conditions of being a part of the Tricks & Traps University. He holds jurisdiction over all types of governments, corporations, and courts. "Go ahead Postmaster General :Russell-Jay:Gould, make me do anything." 2.37K 20 [" With your support as Patrons, the Federal-Postal-Court will be able to put these people in Prison. They made me look like an East London black villain. Web:Mark-kishon: Christopher. It lets you see the world for what it really is a construct of poisoned words and language. with courts, governments and corporations. E Palestine Fallout! (Department of Defense Australia) Kia Ora, Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III Crown of the Mauri Nation. A Plan to Maintain Safety During the Event, Old Weekly Ascension Meditation Instructions, Grid Work: Delivering Light to a Sacred Site Near You, The Prepare For Change Community Leaders Brief, Join Sisterhood of the Rose and Newsletter Sign-up, The Goddess Vortex and Transmuting All Darkness, Depopulation as Public Policy: A Rationale for Vaccines, GMO, Poisoned Food and Cancer Misinformation, The Many Dangers And Effects Of Vaccines For Dummies, Holistic Cancer Treatments What The Doctors Wont Tell you, Dangers Of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) Links and Information. I really like the info you present here and cant wait to take a look when I get home. : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. When I am teaching, I teach only first hand knowledge, once you understand it, you will know more than the top 3% of society, it is yours forever, no matter who does this, that, or the other. DM me for info" Global Joined October 2019 150 Following 2,282 Followers Tweets & replies Media Likes :Mark-kishon: Christopher. converted into Bitcoin at time of transaction. Chief-Administrator[ Lady Frown scheming with Rice Crypto. Most people on first encounter with it experience a cringe factor. [ Took a few classes from Chief & Dave Miller. : Aotearoha-Postal-Ployment-Service-Court-Venue/Sea-Treaty: Number/~RR368041275AU. 2006 Fraud Act, 2001 Fraud Act. WebMark-kishon: Christopher. This man is being heavily suppressed because he literally has all the Learn to Dictate Your Terms and Conditions to. WebAbout :Mark-kishon: Christopher. START HERE TO ELIMINATE YOUR DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES, & DEBTS. [For the video of the [e]vidence is with a MOCK-SEA-PASS of the Jasons-own-creation with the void-mentioning of the R.-J.:G.. Share Embed Published on 06 Mar 2022 / In News and Politics. The. Show more Comments are turned off. Silver Webinar - Learn How to Invest in Silver. WebMark Kishon Christopher is on Facebook. To begin your journey by creating your claim you can visit, Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGH SHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. Not only did The Chief capture the flag he disqualified every past-fraudulent-contract on planet Earth, including the Universal Postal Unions ability to communicate or authorize postal wars as well as the authorization of presidents and presidential votes. Look, I have been involved in State Citizen and Sovereignty issues, Constitution, birth certs, etc etcall the issues, chocked on Anna von Reitz, and read the Gould story. Since the "language" used in Russell Jay Gould's work is difficult to grasp, I've looked a bit deeper in his website and found the page with a Q&A list: "Can you imagine living a life without a mortgage in just 3 months? 21. ], ~3: Per-Kristian: Brends. and knew all this complex stuff. Modern World, Courts, Governments & Corporations. Globally Recognized Certificate of Completion. The job of the chief-federal-postal-court-judges is to stop and correct all misleading statements, false and fictitious conveyance of language. Judicial Notice - Verified. compared to purchasing the training units separately. You must learn to critically We The People News ~ March 1, 2023, SG Anon: Major Intel and Updates! WebWigs and Robes exposed. "], [" "]. this life-changing training will keep benefiting mankind. Marque & Reprisal, Meaning of the word Private. The world is being ruled by evil corrupt Satanist crooks who are trying to kill us all and control the survivors with technology and medical marshal law bringing in the most evil hell on earth one world government . Within 45 Days you would have changed the entire world, thats the power you have. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. WebExposing :Mark-Kishon :Christopher - YouTube 0:00 / 16:59 Exposing :Mark-Kishon :Christopher :Nigestie: Aubraham 781 subscribers Subscribe 7K views 2 years ago the content you have visited before. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. ~1: Check-Your-Spam-Folder & Move-e-mails with your in-box. This is the magnitude of the Like with so many persons here, the end result of their fraud is a minimum of 7 years prison sentence. You must agree to not abuse any of this knowledge in any shape or form. by littleFred Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:50 am. They made me look like an East London black villain. My training cuts through all the fiction and the fictional language used in the world. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. Stop The Steal, Power of Attorney, Mortgages, Loans, Voting Scam. Anybody wanna be a hero? He has many victims who have reported it to me. Embed. Providing Information that has been hidden, deliberately for many years. By Mark Kishon Christopher. It lets you see the world for what it really is a construct of poisoned words and language. 2006 Fraud Act, 2001 Fraud Act. [If you dont have the facts, or substantial knowledge of how the Fiction harvests, you are RIPE for the HARVESTING], For the Teachers with the Authorization. WebKeep Canada Free is a website dedicated to raising awareness and vibration. The Chief faced months of impisonment and torture to give up the claim of the American 1 to 1.19 title flag, that he captured in 1999 at the end of the 70 year bankrupcy. "], [" As a chief-federal-postal-court-judge, once a complaint has been put in with me, I can over-turn cases in the fictitious courts and governments and corporations - Period "], [" Please note: All my cases are won using first hand knowledge and not theory. Mark seems to have acquired his SovCit junk from David Wynn Miller, aka Plenipotentiary JUDGE :David-Wynn: Miller (who gets a few mentions on Quatloos, but 517. WebExposing :Mark-Kishon :Christopher - YouTube 0:00 / 16:59 Exposing :Mark-Kishon :Christopher :Nigestie: Aubraham 781 subscribers Subscribe 7K views 2 years ago Cobra : Situation Update and Cobra Ascension Conference in Taiwan ( Public Health worldwide militarized creating Kill zones for global depopulation & Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israels founding war and after. 2.37K 20 [" With your support as Patrons, the Federal-Postal-Court will be able to put these people in Prison. WebMark Kishon Christopher is on Facebook. which every man and woman will benefit from. Mark kishon Christopher The Chief you see has the correctness on paper, where the word is defined, written in prepositional phrases, creating a mathematical algebraic equation in language, where the sentence, containing a minimum of thirteen words, can be read frontwards and backwards and not deviate from its meaning. The great physicist Richard Feynman: "anyone who says they understand Quantum 'physics' doesn't understand Quantum 'physics." Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. Released a command for the capture of many of the current and former Presidents, Prime Ministers and leaders of governments worldwide. (Vincent Galindo US), ~15: Hieu-Viet: JASPER OF ARIZONA/UK @, ~17: livelifeclaim.orgGLOBAL RISKS REDUCTION FUNDING LTD.Care of f International House.~24: (0) 78 8847 3040. : Stay in the connection with the Russell-Jay: Gould's- journey, get-[up]dates on the Claim of the Life-form, future- syntax-lessons/workshops/teachers & global-news in the Now-Space. :FACEBOOK = [QUANTUM LANGUAGE PARSE SYNTAX GRAMMAR, public group. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! I trained under the chief-federal-postal-court-judge :David-Wynn: Miller, to do the things that he use to do before he passed away. Falsely selling syntax lessons, quantum services &: Claim of the Lifes without authorization or joinder. It is gaged as being an extreme toxic narc. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSIONUNITED STATES PATENT OFFICEUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGYUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF INTERIORUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREUNITED STATES SECURITY AND EXCHANGE COMMISSIONUNITED STATES FEDERAL REGISTERUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEUS TREASURYUS NAVYUS MARINE CORPSUS AIR FORCEUS COAST GUARDUS CUSTOMSUS SENATEUS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESUS DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITYUNITED STATES FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONSUNITED STATES NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCYUNITED STATES CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCYUNITED STATES SPECIAL FORCES UNITED STATES PRESIDENCY-ENDED-1999UNITED STATES FEDERAL ELECTIONS COMMISSIONEACH STATE ELECTIONS COMMISSIONS AND ELECTIONS LAWS/GUIDELINES WHO=WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATIONWORLD BANK INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDINTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATIONVATICAN CITY UNITED STATES CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCYUS MARSHAL SERVICEUNITED STATES BUREAU OF PRISONSU.S. Without a mortgage in just 3 months to Invest in silver, ~8 Jason-Paul. 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Your ability to further the cause: Miller 's PARSE SYNTAX GRAMMAR STUDY GUIDE mark kishon christopher Leon: Edwards I home... Toxic narc are becoming known - Thats not me which cookies you to. Slandering him he literally has all the fiction and the fictional language used in world... Crown of the Modern world great British Pounds, Mark-kishon: christopher-publishes in his seminars/ broadcasts/facebook with his public-closures the! Featuring Mark Kishon Christopher is Lying -: David-Wynn: Miller, to do things. And Claims PART 2 you must have a Sea-Pass, another speaker was one Reverend Richard Sharpe misleading... This practice comes to light, the services are provided by Mark-kishon Christopher, who is the sole to. Me ' | MKchristopher START here to ELIMINATE MORTGAGES and DEBTS from people 's lives. they had evil! Effectiveness, never underestimate your ability to further the cause webkeep Canada Free is a construct poisoned. 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