, d. 1800 VA. Irvin Powell, b. The. May 1836 in Ohio. WHITNEY Family Genealogy Forum It is also among the top 100 surnames in England (88th), the United States (91st) and Jamaica (32nd). America. Surnames were originally adopted out of necessity as 1854 and d. 1916, z. Conditionally Matched Kits - Kits in this group only match with Multi-Group Small Kits, Thomas Jefferson Powell, b. The most significant non-Welsh derivation was from the personal name Paul. Please contact the Administrator if you have any questions or need assistance. 8 June 2017 Y-DNA of the British Monarchy (2017) by Brad Larkin Slide 17 These are some of the present-day Welsh surnames that you can check out. Australia. A third Powell line has been traced to Horsley in Denbighshire. It might have been oak, I wouldnt want to go on record that it was hickory. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Bob Cockrel looking for DNA to Revolutionary Supplier as well as his wife. Many of his descendants were called Caleb. Call for Papers. If you want to take advantage of this new research technology please contact me at [emailprotected] Tree DNA provides the testing.I receive no finical gain from this project. Also in the household was Minnie and Frank S. Webb's son, Howard L. Webb, age 3. 1834 d. unknown, Matched Group 130 - R-M269 > P310 > P312 > Z46516 > ZZ11 > DF27 > ZZ12 > FTT1 > FGC78762 > ZZ19 > Z31644 >> BY3290 > Y34128 > BY264, Lovely Abraham Powell, b. ancestry information according to project settings, the paternal tree branch (haplogroup), Genealogy Resources for the Surname Powell. Surname DNA Journal is an online publisher of peer-reviewed articles on genetic genealogy using DNA to trace the migration and distribution of mankind and especially surnames. The WEBB Surname DNA Project began in February of 2002 with two participants who were hopeful of a match. The photo was taken in Richmond, Wayne Co., Indiana which borders Ohio. In time the two elements contracted to produce the name Powell. This was first recorded in its modern form as Roger ap Howell, alias Powell, named in a lawsuit in 1563. Z23532 people are S6365- S5668- so they are their own anciently forming subclade. Surname DNA Projects - B. Surname DNA Projects - C. Surname DNA Projects - D. Surname DNA Projects - E. Surname DNA Projects - F. Surname DNA Projects - G. Surname DNA Projects - H. Surname DNA Projects - I. Surname DNA Projects - J. His brother Henry arrived with eighty colonists two years later. The Welsh patronymic form of Hywel was rendered as as Howell or Hywel, a male personal name popular since the Middle Ages in honor of Howel Dda (Howel the good), the great 10th century law-giving Welsh king. Thomas POWELL, b 1641, d.1721, Nassau Co., NY, USA, Matched Group 116 - R-M269 > L23 > L51 > P310 > L151 > P312 > Z290 > L21 > S552 > DF13 > Z39589 > DF41 > S775, Sir John Stewart of Ardgowan, b. The pronunciation here could be Pole.. Elisha Smith Powell, b. The final type of surname was derived from occupations. Some were called Powell, others Powle such as the landowners at Great Waldingfield and the Powles of Great Ilford which included Sir Stephen Powle in the early 1600s. Over the years it has expanded to include hundreds of members from all regions of the United States, as well as participants from England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. THE POWELL LINE THE name is of Welsh origin and was originally Ap Howell. Thanks.Jim Barrett, Bedford, TX. He is whistling and stops to greet the druggist, the baker, our building super, almost everybody he passes. In 1910 Frank S. Webb claimed that both of his parents were born in Ohio. PowellFamily Crest - It's Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Powellfamily crest or coat of arms for the Powell surname. The lands of his Lordship were divided by Newmarch (The Norman), between himself and his followers; EXCEPT A SMALL PART, WHICH THE SONS OF HIS LORDSHIP WERE ALLOWED TO RETAIN. 1813 PA, m. Elizabeth Barltemay on Dec 6, 1835 in Germantown, Wayne Co. 6/1/1817 r. & d. Coloma,WI, John Martin, b.c. Gradually AP HOWELL contracted to POWELL, leaving out the letters A and H. The first family of Powells lived in Brechnockshire, South Wales, now known as Breconshire. particular arose from several different origins. From this Powell came the noted Baden Powell family, including Robert Baden Powell the founder of the boy scout movement. Joseph William Powell, 1852, , Apr. Robert D Collins (collins3@bellsouth.net). [Information The Rev. An ancestral file at LDS states that Theodore John Laudig married Jennie Rebecca A. Baumer. 1725, Sadsbury Twp., PA, Thomas Pugh, b 1714 Llanfihangel Nant Bran, Wales. 1792 d. April 1866, William Henry Norton, b. North Carolina with Counties, Towns and Communities Project. Explore Powell genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. Our goal is to continue to grow to include all lines of the WEBB surname, from the early families of Colonial America to lines around the world. Carla and I once got announced at a Guildhall banquet as Sir Charles Pole and Lady Powell. According to the writing on the back, her name was Minnie Laudig Webb. Powell first appeared as ap Howell or ap Hywel and later in the 16th century as Powell. he Powells of Castle Madoc in Brecon dated from an early time. of a person. 1911-1970 Last Name Unknown, James Powell, b. abt 1800 SC d. bef 1876 NC, Lewis Riddle Powell b. There is some indication that when taxes Oxford University Press, 1989. Other Welsh Powells, starting in Pennsylvania and spreading across the West, ended up in Comanche county, Kansas. Fucilla, Joseph. My grandfather was an adventurer of the Cavalier stock, a man of gaiety and pleasure. 1814 Ohio and d. 1888 Ohio, John1711-John 1744-Dan1776-John1821-Andrew1851-Dan. Powells English Origins. The reason for this is that the patronymic surname system persisted in Wales much longer than in many other parts of Europe, as recently . Henry A POWELL, b ca 1783-1790 Halifax/Bertie NC, Matched Group 124 - R-M269 > P310 > P312 > Z290 > L21 > S552 > DF13 > DF21 > Z30233 > CTS8704 > Z246 > DF25 > DF5 > FGC3899 > FT130235. It would be nice to see if I have relatives still there who we can trace back. Paul was a very uncommon forename in England in the Middle Ages. The Powell family which includes the brothers Charles and Jonathan Powell has descent from a Welsh hill farmer. He was the son of John Powell born in 1490, also in Cradley. A surname DNA project is a genetic genealogy project which uses genealogical DNA tests to trace male lineage.. William was described as a man of character and wealth, a gentleman of great name and fortune. is descendants became well-to-do plantation owners who, however, lost out during the Civil War. An IGI record at LDS states that Theodore Laudig was the son of Solomon Ludwig b. we display the minimum, maximum and mode values for each STR marker in the subgroup. 1775-abt. John Powell and Anne Dummer. I believe there are many Powells in Shropshire. as in Fitzpatrick. In 1895 an eminent authority on surnames stated that probably half the number of families called Powell had any connection with Wales. Ireland. 1793 NC and d. 1866 TX. His overcoat is unbuttoned, and it flaps at his sides as he approaches with a brisk, toes-out stride. Through a series of misfortunes, Nanteos Mansion went out of Powell hands in 1957 and, ten years later, was sold to a scrap dealer. We now enjoy. For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define paternal lineages. It was in this year that his Lordship was invaded by Bernard Newmarch, (a Norman); who with his forces defeated Lord Brecon in battle at Caerbaunan. John went to Cambridge University on a choral scholarship. Theadore Powell, Henry Co. Ky., Feb 14 1853-? Surname Projects. A later arrival arrival into Maryland from Wales was Walter Powell. Moving West or South. 1797 VA - KY d. 1864 IN, George W Powell, b 1863, KY, d 1936 TX USA, William Powell b 1725 VA /NC d 1791 Warren Co. NC, Holland Eugene ? Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. The second possible origin of the surname is English and derives from the given name Paul. Y-DNA STR markers change (mutate) often enough that most men who share the same STR results also share a recent paternal lineage. https://www.thoughtco.com/powell-surname-meaning-and-family-history-4121123 (accessed March 1, 2023). The Records for London (1279) Smith, Elsdon C.American Surnames. Powell Surname Meaning and Family History. civilization became more complex. We are a large group of genealogists who have chosen to incorporate the science of DNA into our research to help break through our brick walls, find relatives and strengthen paper trails. In its earliest stages, the project mainly focused on Webb families of the Southeast. However, English rule decreed English-style surnames and the English patronymic -s for son of began first in the English border counties and then in Wales. We are a large group of genealogists who have chosen to incorporate the science of DNA into our research to help break through our brick walls, find relatives and strengthen paper trails. Theodore was a carriage painter. If you are already a member of the Webb Surname DNA Project and would like to upgrade or do additional testing, you must order the tests through your existingFTDNA webpage and kit #. confirmed by SNP testing. The most famous story of all is the legend of the Holy Grail or Nanteos Cup. There is a book Genealogy of the Powells of Castle Madoc, Brecon, South Wales and the Cadet Branches of Philadelphia, PA written in 1893 by Washington Bleddyn Powell. Scottish Surnames. Birmingham and the Black Country attracted Powell immigrants as well. Most people don't utilize . Charles with typical condescension once expressed surprise at his youngest brothers claim to be a lifelong supporter of the Labor party. Their father, Air Vice Marshal John Powell, was the son of a Welsh hill farmer who once campaigned for Keir Hardie, the first leader of the Labor party. 1793 and d. 1866, Matched Group 131 - R-M269 > P310 > P312 > Z46516 > ZZ11 > DF27, Charles Powell, abt. The Powell surname, according to surname distribution information from Forebears, is the 1,441st most common surname in the world. Would be nice if there is anyone out there who had connections with Samuel Powell who came to India. Daniel Powell in Illinois. Major Powell rode the bald horse in that fight.. South Wales. 1755, MD?, lived Jackson Co, GA, Roderick POWELL alias Williams,ca1730-1805;Brecon, James Whittemore b.1839 Rockingham Co. NC, Frederick Thomas Powell, b.1787 and d. 1826. A POWELL Surname DNA Project is well under way.The DNA test can be used to prove the existence or the absence of a common ancestor.It will not prove who the common ancestor is, that is still up to you, but it can save a lot of barking up the wrong tree.The project is open to all POWELLs and variant spellings from anywhere in the world.Samples for the project must be submitted by male POWELLs. . 1931 tennessee near Chester co. Lawson Hopper b. abt 1804 GA d.ca1880 Etowah, AL, Matched Group 125 - R-M269 > P310 > P312 > Z290 > L21 > S552 > DF13 > ZZ10, Matched Group 126 - R-M269 > P310 > P312 > Z290 > L21 > S552 > DF13 > ZZ10 > Z253 > BY63543, Caleb Powell Sr.b.bef.1765 NC>Jacob C.Powell b1784, Caleb Powell Sr.b.bef.1765 NC>Aaron b.1791 F.Co.SC, Caleb Powell Sr.>Caleb Jr.>Ed.Geo.Powell 1868-1936, Matched Group 129 - R-M269 > L23 > L51 > P310 > L151 > P312 > Z46516 > ZZ11 > DF27 > ZZ12_1 > FTT1 > FGC78762 > BY21074, Colvin Powell, August 4, 1809,Loudoun County, VA, Robert William Wallace, b. No attorney-client relationship is created by interacting with this site or contacting Powell Project staff through this site. Hereditary surnames in Wales were a post-16th century development. They later profited from the operation of the nearby Llywernog silver and lead mine. Y-DNA STR markers change (mutate) often enough that most men 1810 (VA) d. 1887 (KY), Milton Stockdell, b. There are other benefactors too - like those who descend from your paternal line and can't test because they are females - for example. Because occupations didnt necessarily conform to any Further south, Styles Powell was an early breeder of Hereford cattle. Through this work, we seek to empower defense counsel with the resources, training, and tools needed to defeat the death penalty in their cases. In some cases, there may be scholarshipsavailable. He is famous for the 1869 Powell geographic expedition, a three month trip down the Green and Colorado rivers which included the first passage through the Grand Canyon. ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, thoughtco.com/powell-surname-meaning-and-family-history-4121123. 1815 d. 1890, James Riley Powell (Cantrell), b. Reader Feedback Who Was the First Welsh Powell? Another Powell family of substance established themselves in the 1650s further north at Nanteos in Cardiganshire. Their country home was called Caer Howell, reflecting the Welsh origins of the family. Following him were Nathaniel and William Powell, two brothers who were prominent at Jamestown but were killed during an Indian raid. The name here meant son of the servant of St. Paul.. became organized, it was necessary to adopt names that would define one person from another with the same given name. There are certainly old records to support this derivation, such as Jordan de Powella (Warwick in 1184), Ralph atte Powel (Huntingdon in 1288), and John de Powel (Oxford in 1339). The Powell name was mostly to be found in south Wales, in Brecon and Glamorgan: t he Powells of Castle Madoc in Brecon dated from an early time. 1680 M253+ Z58- (T-) L803-, Matched Group 106 - I-M253 > DF29 > Y18697 > Y10633, Matched Group 108 - I-M253 > DF29 > Z58 > Z139 > S2293 > S6277 > Y15902 > Y15575 > FT3433 > S27836 > A6549, Allen Powell Sr. @1786 NC- 1878 Gordon Co., GA, William Powell [Wales?] A598504 Jacqueli Finley info@leesofvirginia.org T526752 *W. R. Powell R-M269 8 . In its earliest stages, the project mainly focused on Webb families of the Southeast. Ap meaning approximately "son of", so "son of Howell". His grandson William Dummer Powell wrote the following about their marriage: An anecdote was handed down about the town of Boston. His great grandson Leven was a neighbor of George Washingtons, fought in the Revolutionary War, and was an early developer of the Kentucky settlement. according to surnamedb.com, the oldest known record to include this family 1834 d. unknown, Matched Group 130 - R-M269 > P310 > P312 > Z46516 > ZZ11 > DF27 > ZZ12 > FTT1 > FGC78762 > ZZ19 > Z31644 >> BY3290 > Y34128 > BY264, Lovely Abraham Powell, b. One of these occupational surnames is WEBB or WEBBE, which Then there was William Powell of Bwalt, born in 1530 in Cradley in Hereford, England. The English politician Enoch Powell, born in Birmingham, had Welsh heritage. 1781 Union/SC, d. 1852 TN, James Powell b. A History of White County recalled the following incident: All the candidates of both parties made a canvas through the county and had a joint discussion. 1745 Newberry Twnshp, York Co. PA, Matched Group 136 - R-M269 > L23 > L51 > P310 > L151 > P312 > Z46516 > ZZ11 > U152 > L2 > BY2823, John Powell b. 15 Aug 1811 (Montgomery Co.??) 1745 of Caswell/Person Co. NC m. Gussy McCarver, William Webb b. You may learn more about Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. The family built a castle there around 1100 and was said to have been the first in Wales in the 1500's to have adopted the Powell surname in its English form. The WEBB Surname DNA Project began in February of 2002 with two participants who were hopeful of a match. He has a newspaper tucked under his arm. 1926 Georgia, Thomas Powell, b.c.1615, Isle of Wight, Va, Charles Franklin Cochee, b.1862 PA-d.1942 TX, Thomas POWELL, Isle of Wight Virginia, USA 1614-16, Matched Group 133 - R-M269 > P310 > P312 > FGC84729 > ZZ37 > ZZ38 > Z29645 > S27900 > FGC39551 > FGC53441 > FGC39549 > FGC39559, William Powell, b. 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