This award is given for the first eight years on the board and every four years after. 5. The workshops are possible thanks to the hard work of teachers as well as collaboration with community partners! This years recipient was Mrs. Weber. *0ZTF:$ %~D -e G&{k;[~{o(8YdlH&I6Nz~?2/s[Zd+doew#zyZ?v1,%-}94hhGzT{J.Wnpr2/>a+k_?/ewvlRaUZE^Fl'9)OXzi6>u{a}0b" It is something new we are trying and excited for students to visit businesses on Main Street and around the town. Users must create an account to access student records in Power School. Getting involved with your local school board is a great place to start. <> The Essington School. 2022-2023 Viral Respiratory Disease and Covid 19 Management, HOMEWORK AND INFORMATION FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS AND PARENTS, Special Area Teachers: PE, Art, Music, and Spanish for grades 3 and 4, Resource Room and Related Services: Volpe, Mauer, Moran, Lynch, Regular and Special Board Meeting Minutes, Oil Tank Removal and Replacement Building Committee, Community Conversation, Annual Reports, State Data and Woodstock Academy Data, Reports from the Principal and Superintendent, Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balanced Assessment, Integrating Multimedia--sites that encourage cross-curricular learning, 12 Westford Road, P.O. A few observations I have made include: Teachers are fully implementing the writing program we adopted two years ago (Lucy Calkins Units of Study). The workshops will run for eight weeks wrapping up in early March. Avail of our effective and professionally designed School Report Template that educational institutions can use to create report cards that are given to students after a school term or semester. I plan to make a trip to Omaha in the near future to trade in the remaining weeded books for "new" (to us) ones at Half Price Books. Our Vision The Board has a vision for "A safe, efficient and effective engineering infrastructure, systems and processes for Kenya" The Board's Mission The Board's mission is "To ensure production of competent engineers and quality engineering services through regulation, capacity building and enforcing compliance with set engineering . These areas are integral to the development and growth of the nation. endobj This report focuses on the improvements we have put in place, and are still This process has been both challenging and enlightening. Our student population is 1447 of which, 650 are boys and 797 are girls. 8:30am - Step-Up Day (students find out classroom teacher for next year), 8:30am - Reading Incentive Talent Show (North Gym), 8:30am - Awards Ceremony - School awards (South Gym), Classroom awards (in the rooms) afterwards. Mrs. Cook and I almost have all the books in the elementary cataloged (3 shelves left!!!!! The athletes participated in the ISSA Boys and Girls Championships and were also represented at the Penn Relays in Pennsylvania, USA. I am working closely with representatives from Woodstock Nursery School to work out details on our partnership for next year. <> School Report Template. In terms of curriculum design, we have given flexibility and freedom to the teachers to try new initiatives and to develop the multiple-intelligences of our students. endobj <> Every program is unique, and not every item in the template may be right for you, or you may have areas not covered in this template. endobj Boards also play a pivotal role in setting the curriculum. Mr.Troutman, Mr. Ridley, and Mr. Vigliotta were the recipients of the award. I will work with Alice and Richard to bring you a draft for your consideration. In a press release, the GBI said Anastagia Carter, 51, of Douglas, Georgia, was charged with two counts of first-degree cruelty to a child, two counts of third . The next report will issue in autumn 2016. 10+ Board Report Examples If you ought to create one but do not know how, then this article will give you a set of samples and templates to slay every meeting that you'll encounter. Our supervision and evaluation system includes a number of components with two key features. Start by explaining the situation. 4 0 obj Write with confidence, showing that you understand the topic you are discussing. School Board Report Template Free Download this School Board Report Template Design in Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages, PDF Format. April Blue Jays of the Week were recognized for showing PERSEVERANCE - Fenix Green, Piper McKenney, Camden McEnaney, Jacoby Driskell, Bannack Skillen, Lily Wilroy, Alex Gibson, Olivia Roup, Jacob McMahon, Levi Lucas, Emoree Green, Holdyn Moore, Stevie Gaines, Archer Meyerkorth, Dawson Baker, Corbyn Jakub, Lily Lager, Corbin Wallace, Zane Cook, Ryan Paris, Rogan McCown, and Taylor Cook. It went very well, particularly for the first week! Installation of drainage pipe on the basket ball court, Renovation of the grade eight (8) and grade ten (10) bathrooms and installation of extractor fan in the staff bathroom. We continue to have marked improvement in all subject areas. Principal's Report. The re-roofing of the piggery unit and the refurbishing of two (2) chicken houses to ensure that the broiler project remains viable. &&Y`bV01LY:P,&=e@+AMA Dawn Gordon-Gyles who for the past twenty-two (22) years has given leadership to the Administrative Department and served the Dinthill Technical High School for a total of thirty six (36) years. 4 0 obj A defined and speedy assessment strategy will aid report writing. Combined School Board Dinner with Holy Cross College Launch of our 2020 to 2022 Strategic Plan Currently, children in my area must go to the nearest stop at West End and Main Street. Focus on your major successes andwins. Conclude the letter on a friendly note and express your appreciation in advance for the board members time and attention. Collaboration groups met this month (PK-1, 2-3, 4-6) with a focus on generating class lists for next school year. The unit was raided of its fish twice and a number of the pipes were damaged. Let the facts speak for themselves. Mr. Chairman, we are encouraged by the result of the CSEC Mathematics. CONTACT INFORMATION: 12 Westford Road, P.O. Viewing and referencing previous reports is easily . Admissions & Transfers. Free Blank Preschool Report Card Template Details File Format Illustrator Excel MS Word Apple Numbers Apple Pages PDF MS Publisher Size: 60 KB Download High School Report Card Template Details File Format MS Word Google Docs Apple Pages PDF Size: 29 KB Download Free Simple School Report Template Details File Format MS Word Google Docs Size: 22 KB I have completed 13 walkthrough observations so far this year. They visited the Supreme Court Building and State Capitol Building while in Jefferson City. Preschool and Kindergarten Round-Ups were held on May 4. stream It is important to remember that board reports should be simple and easy to read. The subject line should not be more than 10-12 words and should convey the essence of the letter. It is essential at a school site They learned about life on a dairy farm, got a chance to milk a cow, and sample some of the different flavor milkssome favorites were Cotton Candy, Banana, and Bubble Gum. Open-fields: Throughout the year, a large variety of vegetable crops were produced to include Cabbage, callallo, sweet pepper, hot pepper, irish potatos, pak choi, pumpkin and corn. Students from our local Cub Scout Troop did a nice job helping lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the National Day of Prayer at the Memorial Building on May 3. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.08 840.84] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> As a school we are saddened and challenged by the death of three (3) members of the schools community Miss Lorraine McTaggart, a worker of 19 years who died suddenly in December 2015. 4: Evaluating and Supporting Principals. Teachers have selected a goal for the year and one goal I have for the second half of the year is to. In addition, Pastor Shimmel and Grace Church provided a gift card to teacher of the winning student letter. Reports run at regular intervals throughout the year, can then be used to inform the end of year report. Many teachers provide an agenda for the lesson for students to see as well. Preschoolers Learning About Their 5 Senses, Presentation of 2nd and 8th Grade Sacramental Candidates, Now Enrolling for the 2017-18 School Year. Maintain a positive and respectful tone when detailing the situation. This causes traffic issues at the school. We started the year with 68 families. Classroom teachers will be focusing in on a few specific standards from each grade level that could use a little extra attention during our time together. 3 0 obj I am energized and encouraged at the limitless potential of these milliards that are prepared to be thrust out of the nest to take on the world. % %PDF-1.7 Balanced Scorecard 2016-2021. 3. Be kind and respectful. The Speech Club copped 2 golds, 4 silver and 2 bronze medals and the 2 gold medal items were selected for the national finals. xKoF{UZH]cHIP-Js%gO# 7W/^as{y //`!XiS80}-~ //v7rmsNCs$kqqG5aL&Z10 68{p={{x{GqA`bP01*L They had lots of great suggestions. Join the CTK Love Train! Re-roofing and re-tiling of the Management flat. There are thirty-five work stations in Kingston, St Andrew and St Catherine which accommodated over one hundred and fifty students throughout the slated period. Online Community Education Program Institute and CPP. endobj <>/Metadata 207 0 R/ViewerPreferences 208 0 R>> Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. Maintain a positive and respectful tone when detailing the situation. % Attach information that highlights major accomplishments, media coverage,testimonials from participants, etc. Paige and I walked around the school with Jason Drebitko last week. I would like the board to consider adding a bus stop at the corner of Elm Street and Main Street. School design can help ensure that students are provided with an environment conducive to increased levels of engagement. xRMo0PJDIh+v(zR!Nyvfi6[}i>?1lb|;/W"*mQ/kePF1iGHDKR3pxC(XqqdIc[BbpM The first part of the meeting dealt with honoring the three members of the board with an award from from the PA School Board Association. "J>{Gvl(+"8N)DZiF3/aGwgp~8Npy3,ocQWpVM`o6q9E%N!hr 4Zq yU]&PmRk:)S- }K2T&=ju`H}cfZ(iamC*2ucXM1U_o1S;|VKmoCgaX! MAP Testing for grades 3-6 is finished. Approving this stop would align with the values and mission of the school district. Since September 2015 to June 2016, 24,586 lunches were served through the PATH Programme at a cost of $220 each totaling $5, 408,920.00. March attendance was 97.88% (182 students). Total 176 (11) Tuition Students. Contact Us | Phone: (660)744-6296 | Fax: (660)-744-5539Web Login. Dont forget to date the letter and ask for a reply. KdN%;U $,o'VNX v))O/? FxP"Gvw]? D09{s? 2. endstream If you would like to discuss this request further, please contact me at your earliest convenience at 123-456-7890. When organizing the communication, ask yourself the following: Why you are writing? I have completed 12 of the eighteen observations at this point. Our 2nd Grade had their First Reconciliation today, Our First Lego League Team placed 1st overall at the state quali, Interested in CTK? Cape Food and Nutrition obtained 100% in both Units 1 and 2. Employment Type: Full Time. A third means is filing a complaint with the State Education Agency (SEA). In addition we gained the top awards in CAPE Agriculture for the Caribbean. SEND: reports to governors. 4 0 obj Miss Celia Rose Nurse and Mr. Jonathon Hibbert members of the Administrative and Ancillary Staff who have left us. All students specializing in Agriculture, Engineering and Home Economics are expected to sit at least one science subject at the CSEC level. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. The "cc:" at the bottom of the letter means you are sending a copy of your letter to the people listed after the cc. Phone: 5596754500 244. I wish to pause to honour and remember their lives. Principal Reports ; Superintendent Reports ; Principal Reports. Other new recruits are as follows: Mr. Raheem Jackson, Miss Jeannet Nelson, Miss Tamara Hayles and Mrs. Kaydian Walters-Frith. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> At the top of the letter, write 'The Principal' and the school's address followed by the date and subject of the letter. 2nd grade claims their second title in a row and third title overall for monthly attendancethis month they had 98.78% attendance. <>>> Our Friday winter workshops started last week. Students wrote letters to their own classroom teachers and others throughout the building. If you want your voice to be heard and to show your concern for your child and others in the community, writing a letter to the school board is an important step. Currently, the unit has six (6) beds of escallion. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. I look forward to hearing from you on this matter. Still Not-So-Good news for Community Education, A sample template for reporting to your superintendent or school board, Lifelong Learning Program Assessment Tool, Greg Bach, Senior Director of Communications and Content, National Alliance for Youth Sports. endobj Keep all content useful and relevant, and show your Superintendent howyou are making him or her look good. We have all had to adopt a change agenda, which will continue this year and beyond, with the aim of making Essington a much stronger and improved school. %PDF-1.7 Use a positive tone by commending them on the quality of teachers or administration, direction of the curriculum, or other aspects of the school district. It should be written formally and with respect. We are committed to renewing ourselves to ensure our students are lifelong learners who are equipped for the 21st century with the requisite skills of decision making, problem solving, critical thinking and creativity. Are you interested in becoming a school board member? It is indeed a privilege and honour to share this platform with the guest speaker an esteemed alumnus and medical doctor, one who I have no doubt will be challenging us and in particular the graduands under the theme: We are committed to renewing ourselves to ensure our students are lifelong learners who are equipped for the 21. This report has been prepared to comply with section 20 of the Education Act, 1998. Nicole McKeon and I are working on setting up an after school program for next year. 9. to enforce all rules governing the conduct of pupils as may be prescribed by the Superintendent and the Board of Education, as well as those developed cooperatively by the principal and the faculty, not in conflict with the Board of Education policy. Ignore the parts that dont relate to you and add informationthat might be valuable to your Superintendent. Board of Education Policies; Board Members and Board Goals; Agendas and Minutes; Committees; Community Conversation, Annual Reports, State Data and Woodstock Academy Data . Repainting of classroom blocks several classrooms and buildings including the Home Economics Labs. We currently have 93 students (K-5) enrolled and 17 in grades 6-8. Writing a letter to the board of education allows you to address a serious concern about a particular topic. &FI`bR01+L Interview staff & families at centre $180 Aboriginal Head Start Program manager 29th Calgary St Stephen's School Visit school -observations $180 (Principal) 30th Calgary Abbeydale School Visit school -observations $180 (Principal) 1" May Travel Edmonton Writing $200 Include a statement that indicates you are confident they will address your concerns seriously. There are several reasons people write letters to the school board. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Click here to schedule or tour or submit ques, Interested in our Preschool? The "Student w/IEP, Notifying School About Bullying" and "Student w/504, Notifying School About Bullying" letters are for parents who have a child with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504. The second key feature is formal observations of probationary teachers. Through this engagement, our students have demonstrated high quality work ethics. It covers the period from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2015. "I had a meeting with my teachers last week, just talking about what's working, what's not . We have 9 people that fit this category this year. Remember, your goal in providing this report is to demonstrate both yourvalue to the community and your capability as a manager of the CommunityEducation Program. Students also received guidance in Career Education and External Recruitment. This includes a ten-twenty minute observation with a short written summary (example provided). !g[yx( 0\po_ DF|ozs a /NdR{9~: `(r5/ @xk"knU+ slik[ [zgKU )/eku7 1. RP School :: Principal's Report Principal's Report Elementary Principal's Report May 2018 Mr. Stephen Waigand March attendance was 97.88% (182 students). Board Rescue Report Details File Format Google Docs End the letter with "Thank you for your attention to this matter.". Mr. Chairman, we are encouraged by the result of the CSEC Mathematics. Keep the letter short, ideally no more than a page, but make sure you include pertinent information. Currently the grades 9 and 10 are assessed on a new curriculum in Crop and Small Ruminant Production at the CVQ Level and grades 7 and 8 will do a revised ROSE Curriculum emphasizing the STEM methodology as we seek to widen the learning scope and satisfy the Ministrys mandate. A letter was read for each teacher in the Elementary. By using a formal method to communicate with the board, you can expect board members will also respond formally. At our faculty meeting tomorrow we are going to watch a short video that does a great job outlining the rationale for and structure of an Innovation and Science Lab. The goal of this template is to guide you in selecting informationthat will provide critical information necessary for you to demonstratethat you have solid information about your programs performance and topositively impact any requests you may have for district support. Be specific about the issue you are addressing and be candid about your thoughts. Start by explaining the situation. Please enable scripts and reload this page. We (and lots of credit goes to Martha Giller, Cindy Towne, and Raphael Adamek) are working hard to improve the quality of our website! Make this template work for you. Principal Investigator: Supported by [or Funded by]: Introduction. Follow us to #ReThinkHighSchool, For all press inquiries, please email 3 0 obj I invite you to join me in thanking the following persons who have touched our lives in one way or the other: Mr. Ricardo Mattis and Miss Roshea Edwards who have resigned, Miss Renee Higgins, Miss Ashana Johns, Mrs. Doxene Dunkley-Graham and Miss Tiffany Biggs who substituted for teachers who were on vacation leave. Our History. Keep your report simple, factual and focused. Coverage, testimonials from participants, etc defined and speedy assessment strategy will report., but make sure you include pertinent information the pipes were damaged be! Have completed 12 of the letter and ask for a reply half of the Education Act, 1998 to... In the elementary sample principal report to school board recipients of the award probationary teachers communication, yourself... Essence of the winning student letter collaboration groups met this month ( PK-1,,... 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